Never Alone

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Hiccup awoke to the crackling of a fire and the soft grass under his body. There was a dull aching in his head and looking to the sky he saw the night sky showing off it's shining diamonds.

"Quite the bump you had there,"

Hiccup doesn't want to turn his head for fear it would worsen his already bad headache. "You we're out there for such a long time, even I feared you wouldn't make it," as usual classic Hiccup curiosity had him turning his head and he came face to face with a camp fire and someone behind it. "I was actually quite happy with your assumption I was Odin. I hear he's a nice fellow," Hiccup slowly got up and as his eyes adjusted to the dark he saw a man in crisp white garments unlike anything he had seen before.

His robes were flowing without a bit of armour or metal to them other than the buttons holding them in place, a long white beard that went as far as his stomach, wrinkled skin to show his elder years, a odd hat that looked to be made of dried wheat or something, a staff to his side made of wood Hiccup had not seen before, and a white stone cup in his hands steaming with water.

The old man blew on it before taking a sip and smiling finally meeting his eyes to reveal a golden colour, like literally golden eyes that if you stared into them you would think they belonged to a god from what you thought was stored in them. "Am I dead?" Hiccup asks. The old man shook his head and took another sip before refilling his cup with a large tea pot he had settling on the fire.

"You would be if I had not found you. I considered hitting you with my stick for your foolishness like I would to your brother, but you had a nasty injury; not to mention I don't believe your brother has much of a brain like you," at the mention of his brother Hiccup sat up, but regretted it when the headache worsened. "Here," a warm cup was handed to him. "Drink this, tea makes everything better," Hiccup had never had a warm drink before, but he's still unsure if he's dead or if this is Loki in disguise and he's actually dead so he may do best not to anger the possible god.

He drinks the tea and he admitted it was actually much better than he thought and cleared his head. "Where am I? How did you find me?" Hiccup asks. "A friend of yours showed me the way," Hiccup suddenly heard a small roar and from the darkness and red scaled dragon the size of a terrible terror jumped into his lap. "Ember! You escaped!" Hiccup exclaims in glee picking up the dragon. The young baby curled up into a ball on Hiccup's lap and the young man softly strokes the young dragon.

"As for where we are I am unsure what you call this island or the surrounding islands so I am unable to answer that for you," The old guy answers. "Am I dead?" Hiccup asks again. "Once again my answer is the same no, I have been watching you grow Hiccup Haddock. I've been watching both of you," Hiccup blinks trying to understand him before it dawns on him.

"Your from Ninjago," he said out loud. "Yes, I was very close friends with your brother's adoptive parents. They may have not been together long, but I know that they would never see Kai as anything less than their son, blood or not. When they told me how they came about him I decided to go looking into his origins and I found you and your father. I decided to watch you both as you grew, I wasn't always there, and life got in the way, but I was there the night you shot down your night fury, I was there the day you fought the monsterous nightmare in the arena, I was there as you awoke from defeating the red death, I was there as you went to war with a enemy turned friend, I was there when you decided to explore the unknown, and I have been keeping a close eye on you and Kai since he arrived here, I have been watching both you and your brother since you were babies,"

Hiccup looks down to his lap taking all this in. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why didn't you ever tell him? Why didn't you ever show yourself? Who are you?" Hiccup asks questions spilling from his mouth before they could stop. The old man raised his hand and Hiccup silenced himself. "In Ninjago we believe dragons to be the deciders of fate and destiny. I decided it would be Flame's decision on when you reunited together. And more importantly Kai and you were better off separated," Hiccup clutches the cup.

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