Chapter 49

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2,000 reads , woah. sorry that i haven't written for the past six days , i was busy but i'm backk ! anyways , happy reading !

Since the whole bathroom incident occurred , Draco had been staying at the infirmary. I made sure I was allowed to stay with him over night , incase he was to wakeup the next day.

"Sweetheart," Madam Pomfrey spoke softly. "It's time to get up. Class starts in an hour."

I slowly rubbed my eyes as Madam Pomfrey walked away quietly. I looked back at Draco who was sleeping peacefully.

I quietly exited the infirmary as I made my way to the dungeons. I was not in the mood to be attending class today , but I knew I had to.

When I entered the dorm , Pansy was already up. At least I assumed , considering she wasn't in the dorm. I threw on my robe tiredly and started down to the Great Hall.

I slumped over to the Slytherin table , unamused at what Pansy was babbling on about when I arrived , and instead threw a piece of toast onto my plate.

"Morning?" Blaise spoke to me , unsure if it was even a good idea to be speaking to me due to how moody I was acting.

Pansy scoffed as she gulped down her juice. I gave her a deep glare. I was not in the mood for Pansy's attitude towards me today.

"Morning," I replied to Blaise.

Blaise sipped his juice before proceeding his conversation with me.

"So what's up with Draco?" Blaise questioned. "I heard about the whole bathroom fight with Harry."

Pansy slammed down her glass , practically choking on her juice as her eyes popped.

"Dracy?" Pansy gasped. "What happened to him? Is he alright? What did Harry do to him?"

Suddenly it seemed like Pansy actually cared to pay attention to what I had to say for once , rather then scoff at me.

"Dracy?" I gagged. "I thought we were over this phase."

Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Well?" Pansy whined. "Is anyone actually going to tell me what happened? You guys haven't told me anything so far?"

I looked up at Pansy who had a demanding look on her face. I actually felt sorry for her. I had the slightest sympathy for her considering she was right. None of us told her anything. We never did.

But , my sympathy for her washed away quickly remembering how much whining she caused and how rude she acted towards me.

"Harry and Draco had a little feud in the bathrooms," I groaned not wanting to tell Pansy this. She was so overly obsessed with Draco.

"And now if you excuse me," I started. "I'll be leaving now."

I got up from my seat , pushing my barely touched plate of food away from me before exiting the Great Hall.

As I headed to class I couldn't help think about Draco. I urged so much to go back to the infirmary to see if he had woken up or to see if he was okay , but instead I proceeded to head to class.

Throughout the day, class wasn't much different. Thoughts of Draco had completely taken over my head. The second class ended I instantly rushed to the infirmary.

I rushed inside to see Draco , who to my surprise was awake. He looked fine , completely fine almost as if his fight with Harry had never happened. As I approached Draco , his eyes lit up.

Before Draco could even open his mouth , I immediately threw my arms around him. An overwhelm of relief flew over me.

"Ah!" Madam Pomfrey smiled. "You're finally here. The moment he had woken up he insisted that he saw you , and wouldn't shut up all day."

I smiled slightly as I looked over to Draco who had scoffed at what Madam Pomfrey had just said.

"Well?" Draco hissed , changing the subject. "When can I leave?"

Draco looked around the infirmary in disgust as Madam Pomfrey smiled.

"Well, it does look like you're fine. I assume it wouldn't hurt if I could let you go, just be careful. Okay?"

I looked over to Draco quickly , who had seemed to be just as happy about this as I was. Even though Draco had only spent a day here , it felt like he was gone forever.

As Draco and started down to the dungeons I let out a small laugh.

"Missed me?" I smirked. "Haven't you?"

Draco recalled Madam Promfrey's remark as he rolled he eyes sarcastically.

"Well , I couldn't say the same for you , as you came rushing over to me the second you entered the infirmary," Draco joked sarcastically.

"Well you know," I smiled. "I haven't been the only one who's been obsessing over your infirmary visit."

"Really?" Draco smiled.

"Pansy seemed fairly interested in this as well," I grinned.

As Draco and I continued down the corridors , heading to the dungeons , I smiled. Moments like these I never wanted to end , and I knew shifting here was one of the best choices I made.

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