Chapter 20

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Sarah and I came to the realization that our break from shifting could stop. We didn't actually mean to take the year break we took. We genuinely didn't mean to take that long of a break.

I was now a 16 year old , shifting into a 15 year body which felt a little odd , but then again , it was only a year difference.

"I'm so excited to be going back," I grinned to Sarah. "Time paused so we're literally picking up from where we left off a year ago," Sarah reminded me. "So we didn't miss anything."

Later that night I positioned myself into the starfish position. Legs and arms out , chin up. Like I said we didn't intentionally mean to take a year break from shifting , but we did and I felt guilty admitting this.

I took a breath before closing my eyes , peacefully. I started to count while visualizing Hogwarts..

*1 I will shift
I pictured Draco and I laying in the flower fields
*2 I will shift
I pictured the Great hall
*3 I will shift
I pictured the slytherin common room

*100 I will shift
I pictured the astronomy tower

"Kimberly," A voice spoke , shaking me slightly. I opened my eyes slowly , having the feeling is exhaustion fill my body.

My desired reality mother towered over me gracefully as I awoke. I sat up slowly realizing where I was. I shifted.

I felt a sudden burst of happiness at the sight , almost feeling butterflies in my stomach? This wasn't a new feeling. It would occur on days I successfully shifted.

"Honey remember our guests will be arriving later today," my mother reminded me as I slowly got out of bed.

I shot her a confused look. "For what?" I questioned in confusion not sure why guests were coming on the first day of Summer.

"For dinner," she replied kindly. "The Malfoys will be coming for dinner as well as Sarah and her parents." My face grew a concerned expression at the idea of the Malfoy's having dinner with a family of Hufflepuff's."You need to look presentable , prepare yourself," my mother continued.

I was still shocked at my mother's comment. Malfoy's and Moonshines didn't mix. Sure Draco and Sarah got along , but how would Draco's parents feel about the whole idea? "Moonshines and Malfoys? Are you insane?"

"It will be fine dear," my mother assured me , as she stepped away. "They've met in the past , there shouldn't be a problem."

I gave my mother a confused nod , still not sure this all was a good idea. I wasn't aware the family's met before , but then again I never asked.

Later that night , my parents prepared for dinner with the help of our house elves. I had chosen to wear a short black dress that I found in my wardrobe.

"Kimberly!" my parents had called from downstairs.

I had assumed either Draco or Sarah arrived or they wouldn't have called.

I ran down the stairs in excitement to see who it was. It would be my first time seeing Draco in forever , for him no time at all but for me a year. Or it could be Sarah who I actually needed to see , of course for shifting.

Guffy , our house elf , had opened the door. The figure of Sarah and her two parents stood in the doorway.

I stepped down the stairs quickly , giving her a small hug.

Not too soon after Sarah had arrived , we greeted the Malfoy's and welcomed them into our home.

"Kimberly ," Narcissa smiled , shaking my hand politely. "Pleasure to see you again dear." "Pleasure to see you too," I nodded back.

Lucious gave me a small nod before proceeding to walk to my parents who stood next to Narcissa. I urgently walked over to Draco who I wrapped in a giant hug. "Ive missed you," I smiled , speaking softly. " it's only been a day Johnson," Draco scoffed , but I could tell he was happy to see me too.

Lucious wasn't very fond of sharing dinner with a trio of Hufflepuff's as he gave them dirty looks and spoke in a disgusted expression to them , but Narcissa was different. She was more welcoming to the family and didn't seem to have distaste in them at all.

I grabbed Draco's hand as dinner was wrapping up , taking him to my bedroom upstairs. We entered the room as I dramatically fell on my bed.

Draco and I stayed there for hours just talking. We talked about the up coming school year and our plans for this summer. Talking to Draco always made me smile, I loved talking to him.

"Draco , Kimmie ," Guffy nodded , walking into the room. "Hello ," I spoke , smiling at him. "Your parents have informed me that desert is ready."

I smiled at the elf , giving him a quick nod before Draco and I made our ways back down to the dinner table.

As desert ended , the Moonshines had excused themselves explaining they had plans for tomorrow, needing to be up early which meant it was just the Malfoy's and my family.

Draco and I excused ourselves again before heading back to my bedroom. We entered as Draco locked the door behind him.

"Why'd you lock the door?" I questioned , not sure what Draco was up to. Draco didn't respond but rather pulled out the bottle of alcohol he held behind his back , smirking largely me

"You're crazy," I spoke , looking into his eyes. I grabbed his hand pulling him by my window. "Where are we going?" He asked confused.

I rolled by eyes at the boy. "The roof of course. We're dead if our parents find out what we're drinking."

Draco and I climbed onto the roof which sort of reminded me of Jason, and how we snuck onto the roof that one time. We started drinking the bottle Draco had snuck and began to laugh at each other's comments. We were drunk but not too drunk. We wouldn't want our parents to find out we were drinking.

I laughed at Draco's imitation of Pansy. He really did do a good job of imitating the annoying girl. His eyes fell on mine as we looked at each other , pure silence fell.

I smiled up into his eyes , smiling at the thought I was back. Before my smile could grow any larger Draco had done the same thing as Jason had.

He kissed me.

Draco instantly pulled away from the kiss , shooting me a forgiving look. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that," Draco began. before he could apologize any more I kissed him back , letting him know it was fine.

It was almost as me and Draco were just meant for each other. Almost like we were soulmates. Soulmates from different universes.

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