Chapter 55

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"Kimmie?" Draco spat , causing me to jump at his harsh tone. I turned around to see the boy , with an alarmed look on his face. "Draco I-"

Before I could finish my sentence , Draco instantly cut me off. "What are you doing here?" I attempted to open my mouth again , but Draco shot down the chance. "You have to go, you can't be here, it's not safe."

Draco then grabbed my arm, leading me to the doorway , away from the guest room Narcissa had assigned me to stay in.

I swatted Draco's arm off my wrist , in attempt for him to let me go , but he was much stronger then I was , causing that idea to escalate quickly.

"Draco, let me go," I hissed , as the boy's grip softened. "Will you just let me speak?" I shot him a cold glare , as his eyes became more sympathizing to me.

"I didn't intentionally mean to come here , and it's a long story that doesn't need to be explained but I can't go back home , and now that that I'm here , I'm here , so what's the point of leaving? I have no place to go , or stay?" I babbled.

Draco placed his right hand on his neck as he let out a sigh of confusion. He glanced back at me before letting out a groan.

"It's not safe," he finally said. "Anywhere is safer than here. You need to go Kimmie."

"I'm not leaving," I protested. "Sarah's here too and I know she won't want to leave and your mother already knows we're here."

Draco sent me a confused look , and then a worried one. "Sarah?" He questioned. I nodded silently. "Sarah is a Hufflepuff for merlins sake! This really isn't good-do you know what he'll do to her? Do you know what he'll do to you?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You really think we aren't aware of the consequences we're taking?" I started. "I know what Sarah and I are risking."

Footsteps approached near the bedroom where Draco and I stood. The steps were loud , and careless , almost as if somebody was skipping.

Draco slapped a hand over my mouth , motioning me to stay quiet until the footsteps died down , but unfortunately they didn't. Instead , they grew closer.

I was able to notice the silhouette of the figure , outside of the door , having their shadow shine through the small crack at the bottom.

As the doorknob spun quickly , a questionable woman stood in front of it. An evil grin hanging over her lips.

Bellatrix Lestrange

"Draco!" She grinned approaching the two of us as Draco mumbled quiet curses under his breath. "I didn't know we brought a guest along?"

She furrowed her eyes brows at the boy , imitating a sad pout look. Draco gulped at the question.

The woman stood head to toe in pure black. Her clothes were shaggy and almost ripped up , as her hair stood curly , hanging over her forehead.

"Johnson?" She cooed as she tiptoed up to me , placing her hands on my shoulders "Is that a Johnson I see?"

I gulped at her touch , as she cackled at my facial expression to her tone. "You will answer my when you speak!" She spat , making me jump slightly.

Draco stiffened at his aunt's words to me , as his fist clenched. "Don't speak to her life that," he warned as Bellatrix's attention diverted over to Draco.

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