Chapter 4

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Dean POV

I just couldn't take it anymore! I'm always fighting with my wolf, James doesn't even talk to me most days. Seeing Caleb look so sad makes it harder to stay in control.

James hates seeing his mate upset, he always tries to claw his way out to be in control just so he could comfort his mate. I just needed a second where every problem I had went away, and sadly being near Caleb made everything feel right. Every time I look into those big beautiful brown eyes, everyone and everything disappears.

I pushed my fingers through his hair to try to deepen the kiss, He smells like strawberries and vanilla, but more of strawberries. His lips were so plum, I bit his bottom lip and when he opened his mouth I easily slid my tongue in.

It's been two years since I last kissed him when I had a moment of weakness that I regret with every fiber of my being.

It was the first full moon since I found my mate, and my wolf was uncontrollable. I and James both thought we were mateless, normally wolves find their mate at 17, but we didn't find ours when till we were 26. I never fought so hard with my wolf then I did that night, he wanted his mate. I lost that fight and I'm not 100 % positive about what happened that night but I tasted Caleb when I woke up.

I noticed Caleb wasn't kissing me back, that's when I opened my eyes and saw him crying. Every tear felt like a stab in the heart, I always end up hurting him. I pushed myself off of him and tried to apologize but he just ran right passed me downstairs, wiping the tears from his eyes. James wanted nothing more but to run after his mate and comfort him, but I fight him on it. We did enough damage today.

I'm such an idiot, Caleb asked me to stop giving him false hope, he's only ever asked me for one thing but I couldn't stop. I know, it's selfish of me but I want him to be mine. It's my fault my wolf can't have his mate.

Being alpha of a small pack makes us targets against rogues, but if they find out that I'm a gay alpha who can't produce an heir, we'll have an infestation of rogues. Plus my pack will disown me, we as a pack are okay with gay couples but a gay alpha is unacceptable, the pack needs an heir to survive.

That means I have to marry Delilah, and Caleb and I could never be together. No matter how many times I wish I could just hold him and make his pain go away, I can't. I have to put my pack before my desires. I know I'm doing the cowardly move, I'm hurting myself my wolf James and worst of all I'm hurting my mate.

My beautiful mate; who I loved like a kid brother his whole life. Up until I became his mate, maybe even before then. I was there when he was born, being best friends with his brother I was there to help him calm down because he was freaking out about being a big brother. I watched as my best friend stressed becoming Caleb's parent after his parents died during a rogue attack. I watched him and my brother play as children, I was there when he first shifted. I just never thought that sweet innocent boy will become my mate. I never thought I'll be the one to break his heart.

The Goddess is truly cruel for giving a sweet boy a horrible mate like me. Caleb never even told his brother about us, and even though I caused him great pain by rejecting him, he never told anyone. He could've told the whole pack and forced me to be mates with him, he could tell the pack Delilah isn't my mate. He's suffering in silence, watching me move on with my chosen mate.

The only person besides us who knew was my baby brother Sean. The only way Sean found out was because he found Caleb on the floor of his kitchen crying. I can't believe I rejected him at his birthday party. I just thought the sooner the better then he wouldn't be attached to me as his mate.

My brother still refuses to acknowledge me as his brother, whenever I try to talk to him he gives me mono-toned answers or doesn't answer at all. I don't blame him, he's been overprotective of Caleb since they were kids. I'm sure the only reason he didn't try to kill me for hurting Caleb is that I am his alpha. He doesn't even count me as his brother anymore, he only addresses me as alpha.

Thinking about that night hurts so much, I try to put on a brave face in front of my pack members but I feel like I'm dying inside. I'm hurting my mate, I'm lying to my best friend and beta of the pack, and I'm about to marry a girl who Is not my mate just to get my alpha title. A title I don't even know I want anymore, it's turning me into a person I don't want to be.

I'm hurting everyone I love just for a stupid title, but I know I'll hurt more people if I just say fuck it and run away with Caleb. My brother would be forced to take the position until the pack finds out he's gay also. Sean never wanted the alpha title, he always dreamed of being an elder, who is the wisest among us. He wants to live carefree with his mate and my best friend Jacob.

No matter what I do I'll let someone down. if I choose Caleb over the pack, I'll let my dad and pack down and if I choose the pack I'll let Caleb down. I chose the road that hurt fewer people, Caleb is strong, stronger than any omega. He can move on and be happy with another man, he'll be okay, I just have to marry Delilah and mark her as my chosen mate and he'll be free to love anyone he chooses. Soon he'll be happy.


Caleb POV

Why does he do things like this to me, he said he doesn't want me, he's getting married for Goddess's sake! Why would he kiss me, he said the last time that he would never kiss me again, and he said he'll try to control his wolf. I was so mad that I walk passed my brother's car

"Caleb you're walking to the alpha house" my brother yells and pulls me away from my thoughts.

I walked back to the car and got in. "Buckle up," my brother says while pulling on his seatbelt.

"Yeah because you drive like a maniac" I joke as I buckle up.

"You could always go get your license, no one is forcing you to ride with me," my brother said pulling off.

"Now why would I do that when I have a chauffeur to take me where ever I need to go?" I said laughing. I see my brother roll his eyes while focusing back on the road.

Once we pull up to the alpha house I can tell everyone is here to celebrate Sean's nineteenth birthday. I walk up to the door and just as I'm about to knock Sean opens up, "your late bitch" Sean says while taking me through the front door. I guess it's time to put my fake face on.

Happy New Year loves ♥️
See you guys next Wednesday

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