Chapter 22

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Dean POV

"Did you just hit her?" I turn to see my mom very upset.

"Hit who?" I ask completely confused, I might be a dick, but I'll never hit a woman.

"Delilah's red in the face and crying none stop! What's going on Dean? We all can tell she's not your mate, why are you trying to marry her?" My mom asked angrily.

I stood shocked. My mom never yelled at me, she was the kind parent, the complete opposite of my asshole father.

"Mother nothing is wrong. Delilah was acting belligerent to a guest and we talked. Everything is fine she is my mate and the wedding will continue as planned." I said with a small smile. I hate lying to her.

"Dean, you are my firstborn. I carried you and birth you. I raised you to be the man you are today, do you think I don't know when are you lying?" My mom asked a little sadness laced in her voice.

"I know she's not your mate Dean, I knew since the moment you found your real mate. I don't know why you're doing all of this." My mom said.

Tears flooded my eyes, my hands became sweaty. She can't know! If she knows, she's going to tell dad and he'll never give me my title, I'll never be alpha!

"I don't know what you're talking about." I'm gaslighting my mother at this point. I can't let her tell dad. My mother walks up to me and put her hand on my cheek, wiping the tears I did not know had fallen.

"Dean, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I never said anything in hopes you'll come to the realization of what you're doing but it seems your going to go through with this ridiculous idea." My mom said softly.

I completely broke down. My mom hugged me tightly. "You can't tell him, mom! He can't know!" I said through sobs.

"Oh Dean it's okay, I still love you! I still see you as my son, I don't care if you are gay or not! Everything is going to be okay" my mom said shedding a few tears of her own and rubbing my back like she did when I was a child.

"He's going to care, he's going to hate me and give my title away! Please mom don't tell him!" I begged, my father cannot find out.

"I'm not going to tell him Dean, but I can't sit back and watch you ruin not only your life or Delilah's life. You both have mates who will die if you go through with this." My mom said pulling me back to look me in the eyes.

Her statement brought confusion to my face, who's going to die?

My mother must have seen my confusion and said "if you reject your mate, and your mate accepts the rejection, you lose your wolf. It's the Goddess's way of punishing you for not accepting her gift." My mom said slowly.

I still have James, there hasn't been a day James wasn't by my side, so Caleb didn't accept the rejection?

"And since you still have James means Your mate didn't accept the rejection, so you still mated until they do, and if you don't accept the rejection, the rejected dies within three years of getting rejected, another way of the Goddess punishing the person who rejected their mate. You slowly lose your mind without your mate, and without your mate being there to forgive your rejection you'll end up a savage beast, a rouge." My mom explained. Taking my breath away.

Caleb is going to die? No, he can't die. I run drastically to find him. I look over at the entire pack searching for him.

I spot him sitting with Joshua and Ivy and his date Jamal. I hurriedly make my way to their table. "Caleb I need to speak to you now," I said in a rush. How long do I have left with him?

"I don't think so," Joshua says standing up in between me and Caleb.

"Joshua move, this is serious I need to have a conversation with Caleb," I said getting anger y at Joshua for standing in the way of me and my mate.

"Chris gave specific orders, you're not allowed around Caleb," Joshua said pushing me back a little, creating even more distance between me and my mate.

All I saw was red, I was seconds away from attacking one of my best friends. Until I felt a hand on my arm, making me calm down instantly.

"It's okay Josh, calm down. I'll only be a minute, Chris is here, nothing going to happen to me." Caleb said calming Joshua down enough for him to step back.

I grab Caleb's hand and pull him away from the wedding party area. Once we're far enough away in the woods away from the wolf hearing I hug him.

I hear Caleb gasp as I tightly secure my arms around him, it's like he fits perfectly in my arms, like he was made to stay there forever.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Caleb asked me softly bringing me out of my thoughts.

I release him a little so I can look into his beautiful brown eyes, the same eyes that resemble the woods we're in now.

"You have to accept me as your mate, or accept the rejection you have to accept me now! If you don't you going to..... you're going to...."

"Die," Caleb says finishing my sentence with a small smile on his face and tears in his eyes.

"You knew?" I asked feeling even more sadness creep into me.

Caleb knew he was going to die and he still didn't accept the rejection?

"If you knew you were going to die why didn't you accept the rejection, why didn't you tell me?" I asked loudly angry but not at Caleb at myself for not knowing.

"What was telling you going to do? You rejected me Dean because you didn't want me, I didn't want to force you to accept me because I was dying, and ended up hating me. That's not how mating works, I couldn't force you to want me! I also couldn't let you lose your wolf, I couldn't do that to my pack, and at the time Sean didn't know Jacob was his mate, you losing your wolf would've made him alpha and I knew he didn't want the title. I would gladly sacrifice myself for my best friend and my pack." Caleb said with tears coming down his face.

I felt a sharp pain in my heart. He thought I didn't want him, he thought telling me he could die would make me hate him, how can I hurt him like this? How can I force him to lay his life down because I was afraid of my dad?

"Caleb I-"

"DEAN!" I heard someone yell my name, followed by screams.


I am so sorry it's been a while since I updated! I was focusing all my attention on "Use Me" I placed this book on the back burner.

But I am back and I do have a new schedule that'll allow me to work on both books!

Anywhere tell me your guy's thoughts I see you reading and voting (which thank you by the way) ♥️ but I would your guy's thoughts and feelings!

Just a quick question: who do you guys ship Caleb with the most?




Don't forget to vote and comment ♥️♥️


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