Chapter 13

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Chris POV

'I wish you would wake up, there's so much I have to apologize for. So much I have to make up for, and so many questions that need answers.' I said to myself looking at Caleb sleeping in his coma.

"I'm sorry for keeping this from you Chris, Caleb didn't want you to feel like it was your fault." Sean began to say, "he didn't want any problems in the pack, and most of all he didn't want you to lose your best friend." Sean finished by saying, he hasn't left mine or Caleb's side since he finally came clean about the alpha-to-be and Caleb's secret.

It's funny I've been friends with the alpha-to-be since we were in diapers and now I can't even say his name without wanting to rip him apart. "Sean you don't have to be here all day every day. I forgive you for keeping Caleb secret, he's your best friend I understand." I said hoping to ease Sean's guilt.

I could never hate him for not telling me sooner about the relationship, him being loyal to his best friend is nothing to feel guilty for, I wish his brother would learn that lesson.

"I might feel terrible for keeping Dean and Caleb relationship from you, but I'm not here for you, I'm here for Caleb," Sean said looking at Caleb. "Once he wakes up and finds out I told his secret he's never going to talk to me again," Sean said with tears in his eyes. I hope when Caleb finally wakes up he doesn't blame Sean.

"I don't believe Caleb would ever stop talking to you permanently, your his best friend and he loves you like a brother, and relationships like that don't just end," I said patting Sean's leg hoping he'll stop crying, he did nothing wrong.

"You just cut off your so-called brother three days ago, don't tell me bonds like this can survive anything when yours didn't, you won't even say Dean's name," Sean said in between sobs.

Sean's scared that Caleb would never speak to him again. Caleb isn't like me, he's kind and forgiving, I believe that's why he didn't tell me about Dean being his mate, he had forgiven Dean for rejecting him,

"Your right, my and Dean's relationship did end, but I know it's not forever, he's my alpha and my brother, I might hate him right now, he hurt the only real family I have left so I'll hate him for a while but I can't hate him forever, he was there when my parents died, he gave me the confidence I needed to raise Caleb on my own. Even though I was unmated he had the elders crown my beta, and whenever we have a pack meeting he makes sure they don't go beyond 10:30 so I could be home to put Caleb to bed. He's my best friend and I'll love him forever, and he hurt the person I love most in this world, and for that, I'll hate him for a while." I said while looking at Caleb.

Sean stopped crying and I could tell he was thinking seriously about what I just said. "Go home Sean, Finnish planning your wedding I'll let you know when Caleb wakes up," I said pulling him off Caleb's bed. "But..." Sean started to say. "That's an order, Sean." I cut him off giving him a beta command.

"Bitch did you just pull rank on me? I can't wait till I become an elder." Sean said pissed off.

"Sean shut up, I'm trying to sleep here." I looked over and saw Caleb rubbing his eyes. I quickly rushed and gave him a bear hug. "You damn dominate, you won't be happy until you squeeze the life out of me," Caleb said being over dramatic as usual.

Soon as I let go Sean gives Caleb another bear hug and surprisingly Caleb didn't protest, he must have known Sean needed that hug. While Sean and Caleb shared their hug I mind linked the rest of the group except Dean and let them know Caleb is awake, they all quickly responded saying theirs on their way.

"What happened this time?" Caleb asked soon as Sean let him go.

"You were in a coma due to a lack of oxygen in the brain," I said seriously. How do I keep letting him get hurt? I promised to protect him but I've been doing a pretty shit job. I'm not letting him out of my sight for a while, I don't care how much he bitch and moans, I will make sure he's safe.

"I'm sorry," Caleb said bowing his head.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked completely dumbfounded, what could Caleb possibly be sorry for?

"I'm sorry for making you guys worry about me," Caleb said in a small voice that made me want to give him another bear hug. How could Dean reject him? He has such a beautiful heart and soul.

"Who said we were worried about you? Did you forget I have a wedding to plan?" Jacob said entering the hospital room with the rest of the group.

Ivy and Lucy both ran to hug Caleb, while he was complaining about being attacked I mind link the group and tell them not to tell Caleb about us knowing he's Dean's, true mate. I made it a beta command so they don't question my reasons and so they don't accidentally spill the beans. Their wolves are bound to follow my commands and won't allow their human counterparts to Disobey my orders.

I have my reasons why I don't want Caleb to know we know. First I want him to get better without worrying about this drama. Secondly, I need to clean up this mess Dean made by rejecting Caleb, I have to look for a suitable match for Caleb to marry. He'll bitch and moan about being in an arranged marriage but it's for the best, he's an omega and he'll need someone to protect him.

Even if the group will defend him with their life I can't count on them to protect him while I'm not here, Dean taught me that. If Caleb is married his new mate will kill himself before he harms or let anyone else harm Caleb and that's the protection he needs, as an unmated omega he's In so much danger, any rouge can come and claim him.

"Caleb I was talking with the current alpha and we both agreed that we have to marry you to someone since you haven't found your mate, he wants the marriage to happen before the future alpha gets coronated," I said and everyone's jaws dropped, they all stared at me wondering was I joking or not.

"Dude, you do know this isn't the 1800s anymore right?" Jacob asked

"yeah why does he have to get married now? I and you haven't found out mates either and no one is forcing us to get married." Ivy said. Making Lucy frown at her. They're so weird.

"Guys I know how it sounds and I know it isn't the best but Caleb isn't like us," I said and as soon as the words came out of my mouth I get a mad look from Joshua.

Josh is the only person in the world I still trust to protect Caleb at all costs. I use to think that Joshua would have turned out to be Caleb's mate because of the interest he took in making sure no matter Caleb's status as an omega he would be able to defend himself against anyone, I still wish it was Joshua who was Caleb mate.

"I didn't mean it like that josh, you trained Caleb yourself, no one is saying he doesn't know how to protect himself. I'm just saying Caleb is different from us, he's an unmated omega." I said more seriously and everyone stopped arguing with me. They realize the danger Caleb is in thanks to Dean.

"Have you guys lost your damn mind? I'm not marrying someone I don't know! I don't care that I'm an unmated omega I'm not doing it!" Caleb said putting his foot down. I knew he was going to act like this about being forced to marry and completely abandon his mate.

"Caleb calm down, just think about it! What if it was one of us who was the omega without a mate and some rouge came and took us away?" Sean said trying to get Caleb to see our point of view. Caleb was staring at Sean it was obvious they were having their conversation through mind link, we all just stand there waiting for their debt to be over.

"Um...." Sean finally says, "how important is it for someone to be a virgin in these types of marriages ?"  Sean asked out of nowhere.

"OMG SEAN!" Caleb yelled and hid under the hospital blanket.

I looked toward Sean and wondered what other secrets was he keeping for me. "Caleb your a virgin right?"I asked Caleb trying to keep my calm.



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