45. Unshed Tears

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"What in Godric's name are you doing here!?"

"You'd think she would greet her own cousin with a little more enthusiasm."

Cassie let out a sort of stunned-whimper noise and threw herself at Atticus, dropping the stack of books she had been holding. The boy nearly catapulted backward at the momentum, but once he stabilized, he hugged her back with just as much energy.

"I'm serious, Atticus!" she said, pulling away from the hug. Her brow knit together as she looked over him. "What on earth are you doing here?"

Atticus opened his mouth to reply, but a woman's voice cut him off.

"What, isn't this the location of the revamped Order of the Phoenix, or do I've the wrong address?"

Atticus smiled at Cassie and stepped to the side, revealing Adelaide Hawthorne. Cassie held back a wide grin and greeted her mother with a hug.


The three in the entrance hallway turned to see Sirius standing in front of Remus. Sirius broke into a smile at the sight of Adelaide and the couple hugged with more enthusiasm than Atticus and Cassie had.

"Your mother and Atticus are here for the Order meetings," said Remus to Cassie as Sirius and Adelaide hooked arms and walked into the kitchen. "Addie has always been a member of the Order, but Atticus–"

"Can we talk about me later?" said Atticus, butting in. He sent Remus a pointed look, then glanced at Cassie, then back to Remus. The older wizard nodded in understanding.

   "What, can I not know?" said Cassie. She frowned as the other two avoided eye contact. "I'm nearly of age, I should be allowed in the–"

   "Are we ranting about this again? Lovely!" said Fred, looking down from the banister with a grin matching his twin's. Ron, Ginny, and Hermione's heads popped out a moment later.

   "Because Fred and I, we actually are of age!" said George stately, nodding. "Bloody unfair that we don't get to be involved."

   "I'm the only person here who has seen Voldemort in the flesh," Cassie argued with Remus, growing more and more frustrated as he ignored her. "I fought him less than three months ago! That has to count for something!"

   "It's already been decided; your mother doesn't want you to be apart of the meetings," Remus told Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron. Hermione looked hopeful for a moment, then her face fell as Remus said, "and Hermione is yet to be of age."


   "But nothing. You are not seventeen yet," said Remus shortly, his hands on Cassie's shoulders. "You have two years of freedom. I advise you to enjoy them while you can."

   "Being confined to my bedroom whilst you lot create battle plans and receive news on who's dead is not freedom! I'd much rather have a clue of what's going on than how much I know now!"

   Remus stayed silent.

   "Atticus isn't of age, either!" Cassie continued angrily, glaring at her cousin. He shrugged innocently and backed into the living room. "He's only a year older than me!"

   "Atticus is under different circumstances," said Remus. Cassie seethed as she watched the man walk into the kitchen.

"It's alright, Cass," said Ron dejectedly. "I'm sure Harry'll be allowed in, and he'll tell– ow!" Hermione had hit Ron on the arm, for he had not realized Cassie tensed at the mention of the Boy-Who-Lived.

Potter's Girl / Butterfly Effect.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant