26. The Tri-Wizard Tournament

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chapter twenty six / the tri-wizard tournament

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chapter twenty six / the tri-wizard tournament

A very familiar feeling that Cassie had coined 'end-of-holiday-depression' surfaced over the course of the next few days. By September first, she was well back into her school slump and awoke at seven a.m. on the dot.

   The weather reflected the mood in the Burrow that morning; rainy, gloomy, grey. Heavy raindrops splattered on the windows as Cassie pulled on her cardigan (hand-me-down from Moony, complete with a Gryffindor crest from his years at Hogwarts) and clambered down the stairs.

   She'd just sat down to eat when Mrs. Weasley suddenly called out into the house; "Arthur! Urgent message from the Ministry!"

   A moment later, Mr. Weasley clambered down the old staircase and swiftly moved to the fireplace. Harry and Ron entered right after. Harry's eyes were glued to Mr. Weasley, who was now speaking to Amos Diggory through the fireplace. Floo network, if Cassie had to guess – Moony had used it maybe once before, and Cass always found it intriguing.

   Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory spoke in hushed voices through the fireplace. After a few minutes, Mr. Diggory's head vanished and the fire slowly flickered out. Mr. Weasley left for work soon after.

   "Did someone say Mad-Eye?" Bill asked as him and Charlie entered the kitchen. "What's he been up to now?"

   "Says someone tried to break into his house," Ron answered.

   "Mad-Eye Moody?" said George thoughtfully. A surge of recognition hit Cassie.

   "Oh, he came to my house a few weeks ago!" she exclaimed. "He's gonna be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, he's taking over for M– dad," she tried not to yelp when Hermione stomped on her foot to keep her from calling her 'dad' Moony in front of Mrs. Weasley.

King's Cross was just as feverish and crowded as it had been the year before. Cassie wasn't expecting much less. Her party did receive a few odd looks from passing Muggles as they trudged through the train station – though, that was probably to be expected. Muggles weren't so much used to seeing a group of people in cloaks carrying owls in cages.

After bidding goodbye to Mrs. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie, the others were off to find themselves compartments in the train. Ginny partnered off with a girl in her own year; Fred and George sat with Lee Jordan; and Harry, Ron, Hermione and Cassie found their own compartment, free of eavesdropping ears.

Before they entered, a familiar voice sounded from the compartment next to theirs.

"... Father actually considered sending me to Durmstrang rather than Hogwarts, you know. He's old pals with the headmaster. Well, you know his opinion of Dumbledore – such a Mudblood-lover – and Durmstrang doesn't admit that sort of riffraff. But Mother didn't like the idea of me going to school so far away.."

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