14. Rather Lovely Surprise

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chapter fourteen / rather lovely surprise

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chapter fourteen / rather lovely surprise

                      "Mine still had a spout for a tail, what a nightmare..."

"Were the tortoises supposed to breath steam?"

"It had a China-patterned shell, d'you think I'll lose points for that?"

The Gryffindors had just finished their Transfiguration exam. Everyone was fussing over how good or bad they think they'd done whilst Hermione was just irritated at how her tortoise looked more like a turtle.

After a quick lunch, it was right back upstairs for the Charms exam. Cassie aced the Cheering Charm and Hermione had left her exam with a wide grin on her face, occasionally letting out fits of giggles.

After dinner, the students hurried back to their common rooms – but not to relax, there was more studying to do.

Cassie, once she was positive she was about to crack under the pressure, stretched out in her chair. She glanced at the clock on the wall, bit her lip, and stood. Hermione didn't so much as look up from her book, but Ron and Harry sent her quizzical looks.

"I haven't seen Atticus and Cedric in ages because I've been so busy. I just wanna stop by and say hi," she explained. Harry and Ron shrugged their shoulders, too tired to say anything against it, and the girl walked out of the common room. It was only seven-thirty, and curfew was at nine, so she still had an hour and a half to catch up with her friends.

Unfortunately, it took her thirty minutes to get past the guard trolls in front of the Hufflepuff common room. She pleaded with them to let her in, as she knew the password, but they stayed impassive. One grunted that Sirius Black knew the Gryffindor password, and another said nobody was to be trusted unless they wore yellow robes.

Cassie huffed and turned on her heel, storming back down the hallway to the Gryffindor common room, when an idea struck her mind. She paused and slid around a corner so she was out of the trolls' lines of sight. When she was positive they couldn't see her, she pulled out her wand a muttered a transfiguration spell to temporarily switch her robes from Gryffindor red to Hufflepuff yellow and walked back down to the trolls.

"You may go," grumbled the guard troll, and she walked victoriously into the Hufflepuff common room.

"Cass!" Cedric shouted as soon as she stepped foot inside. He bombarded her with a hug and she laughed, hugging him back. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know. I've been so busy with exams, and Harry and I have been buried in trying to figure out who the Marauders are–" Cassie sighed, running a hand through her hair. "But at least exams are half over, right?"

Cedric grinned. "Always the optimist, you are," he teased, and the two took a seat on the velvet couch nearest them. "Oh, I haven't been able to congratulate you lot on winning the cup!"

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