59. History is Bound to Repeat

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Dolores Jane Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, effective immediately.

"Dumbledore'll be back before long," Ernie Macmillan believed. "They couldn't keep him away in our second year, they won't keep him away this time. The Fat Friar told me that Umbridge tried to get back into his office last night – couldn't get past the gargoyle. The Head's office sealed itself against her. Apparently she had a right tantrum.."

"I expect she really fancied herself sitting up there in the Head's office," said Hermione viciously as they walked up the stone steps into the entrance hall. "Lording it over all the teachers, the stupid, puffed-up, power-crazy old–"

"You really want to finish that sentence, Granger?" Draco Malfoy slid out from behind the door, his eyes glimmering maliciously as he skimmed over the bunch of Gryffindors. Cassie immediately reached for her wand, but Neville put a hand on hers to stop her. Malfoy smirked. "I'd listen to Longbottom, if I were you, Black. 'Course, if I were really you, I think I'd rather snuff it–"

"Heard your lot was too dumb to sniff out a double-agent, Malfoy," said Harry loudly to cover the rest of Malfoy's insults. Harry raised an eyebrow to Malfoy as though egging him on. "Took you an entire six months to find the spy, and even then, he was handed to you on a silver platter."

   Malfoy's lip curled in a foul sneer. "Like you'd be able to recognize a spy if he came to your doorstep and knocked," he said disgustedly. "Let's see, anyway... five points from Gryffindor because Granger was rude about our new Headmistress.. Macmillan, five points for looking like that.. Potter, five because I don't like you... Weasley's shirt's untucked, so that's another five.. Granger's a Mudblood, forgot about that, so ten more for that... and Black, fifteen points for being related to me."

   "You foul–" Cassie began to draw her wand again, but Malfoy's smirk only widened and she glared at him contemptuously.

   "Prefects can't take points away!" said Ron angrily. Malfoy raised a blond eyebrow.

   "Inquisitor's Squad members can," he said with a cruel smirk, tilting his head to the side a bit. "Still wanna finish your sentence from before, Granger?"

   "Leave us alone, Malfoy," spat Cassie, reaching for her wand again. This time, it was Harry to grab her by the hand.

   "Yeah, and I'll take five more points for trying to attack me," Malfoy said coolly.

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Cassie had no idea what Umbridge was planning, nor why the Headmistress had requested to see Cassie during lunch the next day. Filch escorted her to the ever-so pink office and dropped her off, before leaving with one last glower at her.

   "Come in," said Umbridge chirpily, stirring sugar into her tea as Cassie shut the door behind her. The office looked the same as it had all those months ago when she arrived for her first detention with Harry; Merlin, it seemed so far in the past, when it had only been a few months...

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