80. A Celebratory Snog

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"He was going to use an Unforgivable. I think what Harry did was the right thing to do, in the moment," said Cassie flatly, scribbling down her name at the top of the blank parchment before her. "Malfoy got what was coming to him, really."

"Harry shouldn't've been using that cursed Potions book in the first place!" Hermione kept insisting that it was Harry who had been in the wrong that day in the bathroom; that he should not have used such a horrible curse created by the Half-Blood Prince without researching it. "Look where it's ended him! Detention, every Sunday until the end of term... He'll be missing the next Quidditch match!"

"What?" Cassie sat up suddenly, accidentally knocking a pot of ink off the table in her haste to reach Hermione. "You're not serious! But it's our last match – We only just got Katie Bell back – This is the deciding match as to whether or not we get the Cup... You're joking!"

"So you agree?" Hermione said coolly, raising an eyebrow. "Harry shouldn't have done it?"

Cassie took a moment of thought before scowling at Hermione and turning back around to siphon the ink off of the floor with her wand. "Missing the last Quidditch match.. I'll kill him..."

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"Okay.. listen, please," Cassie croaked the next day, unwilling to raise her voice higher than a raspy stern tone.

"Shut it!" Ginny did the shouting for her, and did her job quite effectively, as the entire Quidditch team fell silent instantly and turned to face Cassie and Ginny at the front of the tent.

"Right," said Cassie, her voice still the same nerve-filled inflection from before, "this is it. I would give you lot a big pep talk, but I think I'd just make your nerves worse... So, good luck, don't mess up, and let's win the Cup?"

The team gave a half-hearted cheer and exited the tent, brooms strung over their shoulders. Cassie made toward the center of the pitch, her nerves eating away at her insides, to meet with Roger Davies and shake hands.

Davies was a tall boy with muscular shoulders and dark curly hair; his eyes, and Cassie couldn't help but stare upon noticing them, were the exact shade of blue as the sky. However kind his appearance made out to be, Davies gave Cassie a sort of challenging grin and squeezed her hand a tad too tight.

   "Listen, Ginny," said Cassie a few moments later, after arriving back to confer with her team while Madam Hooch situated herself in the air. "You know how Harry likes to pull the feints every match?"

   "Yeah?" Ginny had her eyes on the Ravenclaw team, but Cassie watched them flicker to the blue-adorned stands as if in search of someone.

   "They probably aren't expecting you to do the same," Cassie advised in a low voice. Ginny nodded as she caught on.

   "How many do you think I can get away with?"

   "Two," Cassie decided, her eyed narrowed across the pitch on Cho Chang. A small pit of anger burned in her lower gut as she thought about how they had replaced Atticus with Cho, but she brushed it aside quickly and cleared her throat.  "Maybe three, if Chang's too blinded by her determination to see straight."

   Just as Cassie had predicted, Ginny started the game off strong, pulling a Wrongski Feint within the first ten minutes. A swell of satisfaction brought a grin to Cassie's lips as Cho followed Ginny, much too resolute to notice that she was about to collide with her own Chaser until it was too late. A sickening thud brought down said Chaser, Chambers, who was out for the rest of the game with a cracked collarbone.

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