-Chapter 10-

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CHAPTER 10- The lunatic

"My my my. What a treat. A pregnant she wolf AND an un-mated she wolf? It really is my lucky day."

The sudden voice scared the both of me and Mia, and we gave each other a hesitant look before turning around to see the source of the voice: a shabbily dressed, creepy, old, nasty rogue.

"What do you want from us?"
Mia growled, stepping further and I knew her wolf was asserting dominance and acting on her instincts to protect me and the baby.

"Ari, I love you so so so much. But right now I need you to turn and run back into the pack hall. It's the closest and safest place for you right now. Please just let me deal with this."
Ari mind-linked me in a tone of panic and urgency, and I knew she was serious about me leaving her and getting my own self to safety but I won't.
Leaving Mia here whilst I go ahead and go to safety all by myself is such a selfish decision. Leaving my best friend to fend for herself whilst I greedily seek shelter is something I'm not about to do.

"No. I'm not leaving you alone, Mia. I'm going to stay here and help you."
I retorted in confidence. There's no way I'd leave Mia on her own in front of a dangerous rogue. Ride or die. Literally Mia is my ride or die. I can't leave her alone.

"Ooo. Mind linking now are we? How about you tell me right here what you guys are saying- I won't spill the tea. AHAHAHAH."
The rogue winked, bursting out into sarcastic and angry laughter at the end of his stupid sentence.

"Ari in less than 10 seconds, I'm going to shift into my wolf and we're going to attack this filthy rogue. You need to go back to the pack house and get help. I know you are worried for me, but the quicker you get to the pack house- the quicker you can get me some help. On the count of three..., three, two, one.."

Ari leaped on top of the rogue, taking him by surprise.

She shrieked, and I took off towards the pack house, running and running and running. My legs were starting to hurt and I wished I was faster.

The ground felt like a trampoline with every step I took slightly propelling me up into the air, pushing me to run even faster.

Mia's shriek cut through the forest, making me skid to a stop and turn around.

Frantically I mind linked Mia to check if she was okay because that scream sounded very painful.

"Mia, are you okay?"

"I'm fine just a cut but Ari-"

"A cut! Oh my moon goddess, Mia are you okay?? Scratch that I'm coming to get you now!"

Resorting to running back to where I had just ran from, I felt even more worried for Mia due to the smell of blood that clouded the area.

"Ari! You stubborn she-bîtch would it kill you to listen to me?? He's coming for YOU! Go back to the pack house!! He's on his way and he wants blood!"

Mia's voice filled my mind, her words finally kicking in and the effects making themselves known to me.
'He wants blood'. Well then. I'm screwed.
Mia sounds like she's referring to a vampire- a rogue would've been busy still beating her but vampires are different. Vile, bloodsucking creatures, preying on the blood of innocents and- wait- the blood of innocents?? He's after my child. Shît.

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