Chapter 9

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CHAPTER 9- The Infirmary

"There will be no ceremony."

No shît, Sherlock.

After a few minutes of me just standing in the pack hall, with a dumbstruck expression littered across my face, the shock of everything wore off and reality managed to kick in.

Mia. I had to get to Mia. But where was she?
Turning to face the back where she was previously placed by the bulky guards, I realised she was no longer there.

"MIA", I screeched, the faces of some elder wolves near me scrunching up in disgust no doubt at the fact that I had probably burst their ear drums with my not so ladylike screech.

Very faintly, yet all the while still there, I heard a scream that sounded similar to Mia's;
"ARI", coming from the large staircase.

Since the lights had gone out, darkness coated the entire pack hall, apart from the lighters a few people here and there had lit up.

I now had to get to Mia, without stumbling over and dying. Which is something that's been proven is hard to do if you are a klutz like me. I can fall up the stairs. Yep. Fear me people.

Stupidly I even considered screaming like Mia had done earlier so that maybe out of nowhere a guard would come and arrest me and I'd hopefully end up near Mia.

Screeched Mia from the staircase like I had suspected.

Rushing over towards it, I saw Mia standing there with a shît eating grin on her face.
At first I did want to scold her but looking at her smile made me smile and soon we both burst out into a huge bout of laughter.

One thing I loved about me and Mia was how we could joke about anything with each other. Obviously not everything everything but we definitely have the capacity to have a laugh and this was literally our technique or ritual of de-stressing ourselves; by laughing our arses off.

"GRRRR" , the sound of a growl echoed throughout the hall and I clung to Mia, her clinging back onto me.

"D-did you hear that A-Ari?"
Mia stuttered back, all the laughter leaving our bodies and being replaced by absolute terror.

"Y-yeah Mia."
I whispered back, in the same stuttering form.

"Well sheiss then! What are we going to do Ari?"
Screeched Mia directly into my unsuspecting ear, her German heritage would always present itself in the form of swear words and its always beautiful to witness.

Squealing, I clasped my hand over her mouth, this idiot would be the reason we'd die.
Any normal person would be dead silent in a moment like this and here's Mia, practically asking for death with how loud she was screeching.

Us werewolves have supersonic hearing which can be a downside in moments like this because the rogue would definitely hear us. So instead, I chose to mind link Mia instead.

"Okay Mia, here's the plan; we'll slowly start walking up and then make a dash for the infirmary, it's only about a corridor down from the main first floor hallway so it shouldn't take us long.
Once we get there, we'll send a help signal to the rest of the pack, if they haven't dealt with the rogues by then. Someone's bound to see it."

With that I began slowly walking up the grand staircase, Mia holding my hand and trudging behind me. We were walking to the left side of the staircase, so we weren't that visible. There was barely any light though, so I guess we weren't visible either way.

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