-Chapter 29-

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Hello amores🫶🫶🫶 (comment hello in whichever language/s you speak!!)

Enjoy :)

"Well I'm wondering if you aren't my child after all."

WHAT did this creep mean by that. I visibly paled and my jaw had dropped to the depths of hell.

"What. Are. You. On. About..." Dmitri gritted out, one look at him would let you know he was having difficulties keeping his Wolf at bay.

"Oh pipe down, dog, I'm surprised you're so concerned...considering you rejected her, no?" He chuckled an ugly chuckle and for some reason I wanted to slap him for mocking our broken relationship.

"Anyways, I was joking...you got me!" This bItch, this was NOT something to joke around about. However, the revelation that he was only joking about being my father left me feeling both relieved and unsettled.

"I could never be the father of such a weak little girl. Ariana you are truly a pathetic woman, first for getting rejected and then for trying to build a relationship with the very man that rejected you. I'd hate to have a daughter like you." Ouch. He knew how to rub salt on one's wounds. I could see Dmitri scowl with pain and yet I was the injured one.

"Now let's get to it. You may be wondering how I managed to kidnap not only an Alpha but also its rejected mate and technically illegitimate daughter." He paused to give us both a smug smirk and me blood boiled. This man clearly had some sort of bad blood with Dmitri and was looking to take it out on my daughter. "I could not have done it without Agent T-9! Oh, sorry! I forget that you knew him as Tony...your cousin Tony!"

The man broke out into a fit of laughter, taking much amusement in the shocked and betrayed expression engraved onto Dmitri's face.

Dmitri's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, his voice choked with a mixture of betrayal and despair. "Tony... How could you? I trusted you!"

Dmitri's cousin Tony (or Agent T-9 as he is now) stepped further out of the shadows, a sinister smirk etched on his face. "Trust is a dangerous thing, Dmitri. It blinds you to the true nature of those around you. I have always resented you, envied the position you held. Now, it's time for a change."

By no means was Tony ever a favourite of Dmitri, but as far as I know, he was the closest thing Dmitri had to a brother. And betrayal from your enemies is sure to hurt you...but when its from the ones you love it hurts all the more...trust me on that one.

"Now that the reunion is over, let me tell you why I made all this happen." Dmitri looked stone cold at this point. Any sign of emotion he showed before was now completely gone. He looked heartless.

"Your pack, Dmitri, is not as strong as you think. You can thank yourself for that. You rejected your mate four years ago. Since then you've been in a mental limbo - if you'd like to call it that. You were stuck in your playboy ways and then suddenly stuck in dreams of getting your mate back...but during all of this you forgot about the pack." Dmitri's ears perked up and I knew he was dying on the inside because he probably did neglect the pack. The stupid asshole never got a single thing right. I had thought that since he rejected me he would at least have focused on the pack but nooo f that. Idiot.

"Your pack has historically had a bit of an issues with rogues...well that would be us. Because Rogues'R'Us...get it? Because we are the rogues hehe?"

"You twats have no sense of humour." He scolded us for not laughing, although even in any normal situation I would not have found it a creative joke.

"It was without a question that your pack was extremely weak and thus easy for anyone to take over, given the right opportunity. Now this is where you and the bastard child come in Ariana!"

This all made sense, I should never have come back here. Now because of Dmitri me and my child will have to suffer.

"Now I was a great deal of shocked when I found out that Miss Rejected Luna was back! But that quickly transformed into an unfathomable happiness once I discovered the existence of your bastard child! All that was left was for Tony to give me updates. When the time was right, I struck. And here we are! Questions?"

"Where is my baby?" I growled. This was getting out of hand, this psycho clearly had an issue with Dmitri and me and my poor baby were unlucky twice over to have gotten caught in the crossfire.

"Hmm good question. Well she's insurance - if you'll call it that." He stopped for a second to laugh in our faces. "See, if you both try to run away from here - which you couldn't even if you tried - Elora will be transported to another secret location." He had this utterly smug look on his face and I wanted to skin the flesh off of his nasty form.

"I want ownership of your pack, Dmitri. Until you don't hand it over to me we can all sit here and have...couples therapy! I can tell you need it." With a final scoff at the both of us he turned and walked away.

"Ari I promise I will get us out of here." I didn't respond. Dmitri came closer. "Ariana I swear to you, I will not let that bastard hurt you or our pup." Once again, I said nothing.

But it was hard to keep my emotions as silent as my voice, because that familiar prickly sensation came to my eyes and I couldn't help the tears that flowed.

Dmitri came and sat yet even closer to me and said nothing as he embraced me in a hug. This was perhaps the most vulnerable I had been in front of Dmitri ever since he rejected me a few years ago. I was so pathetic then and I continue to be just as pathetic.

"I'm the worst mom ever." I cried out as Dmitri stiffened around me. "Don't say that Ari. Don't you dare. You are the best mum ever."

"NO! Stop trying to console me, okay? Just let me have this." My short outburst quietened Dmitri as he looked at me with a sympathetic look. His searing hazel eyes were so so pretty. "If only we weren't mates. If only I had had a mate who actually wanted me. If only-" I couldn't finish because Dmitri grabbed my chin and kissed me.

He kissed me with such an intense urgency as if he wouldn't be able to breathe if he didn't battle with my tongue. And I kissed him back. It felt so natural, as if we'd always been the best example of mates. We kissed like we knew the landscape of each other's body. His hands trailed down my body and rested on my hips which made me break away for air.

As we both gasped Dmitri began to kiss the tears off of my face. He licked the tears off of my cheeks. "I've made these beautiful eyes cry oceans. I'll be damned if I ever let another tear slip out."

I was blushing like a teenager at his confession. Maybe he has changed. I need to give him a chance. If not for me then for Elora.

Dmitri began kissing down my neck, teasing me with his slow and tantalising movements. He eventually focused on my collarbone, licking and kissing it repeatedly.

"Dmitri what are you doing?" I managed to actually say instead of moan. Dmitri looked up at me as his canines sharpened. His hazel eyes had darkened and the cogs began turning in my mind.

"Something I should've done years ago."

AHHHH what's Dmitri going to do???

This chapter is unedited, so please let me know if you see any errors!! Thank youuu

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