-Chapter 11-

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CHAPTER 11- Rescue

"Quite a chase weren't you? Well look at you now, all patiently tied up for me."

This day just keeps getting better and better.

The nasty rogue, or vampire- whatever Mia thought it was, began sauntering its way over me.

It seems clear. A nasty rogue finding two she wolves in the forest, completely lost in their surroundings and becoming oblivious to the dangers lurking around them.

What I don't get, however, is what Mia meant by him wanting blood? That phrase itself means he literally wants blood- the substance itself. Or perhaps it's a more figurative term for he wants blood because of a bad past or history with us?
See that wouldn't make sense because I have never seen this hideous creature ever before in my entire life so that wouldn't work.
Unless he has something against the pack? That seems unlikely too because he wouldn't he take out his issue with the pack, rather than on two she wolves.
How can he be sure that we attend the same pack he potentially has a vendetta against?

That leaves us with the first option; him literally wanting my blood or my baby's blood. But rogues don't tend to do that- vampires do. And just a second ago this guy was in wolf form. I'm pretty sure my eyes don't lie.

The eyes never lie, Chico, add in that smirk and that's probably something I'd say if me and Mia were watching a scene like this in a movie.
But this isn't a movie. It's my life and I'm living through this right now. There's no escape. Unlike in movies where you can just cover your eyes or fast forward if something unsettling happens- you can't do that in real life. That's not how the world works.

So I'm stuck here. Quite literally as well. Unless of course someone saves me?
But then again my life potentially depends on either Dmitri and Hayden or Mia and her wolf. But Mia's probably lying down somewhere with a gash or a slash on her, bleeding out until or unless her wolf has enough energy to heal her but it's either her wolf heals her or helps her get to me. And you can't run a large distance whilst also bleeding out.
And Hayden and Dmitri are probably not even bothered? Mia told me a while back that they were nearly here but it's been a long time and they still haven't turned up. So clearly, they aren't bothered.

Being lost in my own thoughts, I didn't even realise what the guy in front of me was doing. Can I call it a guy? It's either a rogue maybe or a vampire and I can't confirm any of those two so maybe it's best to just call it a guy? The other option is to call it an 'it' but the human book 'Four Children & It' was my favourite book growing up and I'm not comparing that sweet character to whoever this horrendous person or thing is.

He seemed to be rambling, pacing around, rifling through the clothes he had in his hand. Thankfully he was wearing trousers and a vest- I didn't have to see this vile person naked for which I am thankful but he still had an extra pair of clothes- dirtied clothes that he was ransacking at the moment.

This didn't make any sense- to me at least. If he was the brutal rogue he was a while ago when he slashed Mia and chased after me, then why was he acting completely different now? Why hadn't he just killed me and gotten the entire ordeal over and done with?

Deciding I had enough of sitting there entangled in tree roots and branches, I asked;
"Why haven't you killed me yet? You are obviously at some point going to kill me so why not get it over and done with now? What's all the relentless and strange pacing for?"
My tone of voice probably came out harsh and rude but how I spoke to a rogue (or whatever creature he is that's going to kill me) isn't exactly my biggest worry at the moment.

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