Chapter IV

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Y/n's POV;




"Where are you taking us Karp?" I asked confused as we walked down the street.

"Come on, its something really cool!" Karp urged us as we continued walking.

I roll my eyes, "it better not be another dead rat. That was not cool that was gross." I held my stomach at the thought. 

"It's not—I promise." I eye him suspiciously, for Karp anything is cool. I feel like this time it's going to be grosser than the dead rat. "Over here, guys!" I turn down the alley way trying to match my speed with Charlies. As I follow them I saw a big box sitting in the middle of the alley, I furrow my eyebrows as Karp ran excitedly to it.

I can only imagine what would be in there, probably a collection on rat guts. That made me nauseous just thinking about it. 

I walk closer to the box, and notice it was a new edition of a swimsuit article. I roll my eyes as everyone cheered and picked one up. 

Idiots, I swear. 

"Karp I— you know what never mind." I wave him off as I walk over to a brick wall and lean against the building as I watch them go through the magazines. 

"I don't believe it! Who would throw these away?" Averman asked as he flipped through the magazine in his hand.

"Hold it. First it looks free, next five minuets they cost a buck each." Karp suggested to sell them off for more than what they found them at. I shook my head at them, I need new friends.

"Forget it Karp, I get to see this everyday on MTV." Averman said as he rolls his eyes and threw the magazine back into the box.

"Hey guys, this ones from Minneapolis. Hey, Guy, look it's your mom." Peter said smugly as he holds the magazine over for Guy to see—I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. Everyone turned and ran the other way as guy ran after Peter, I sigh as I follow after them. 

"Let's give him a wedgie!" Jesse considered.

"That's a good idea, Jesse!" Terry agreed.

"Come on I was kidding, okay?" Peter says defensively as he throws his hands up. I walk back over to the brick wall and rested my body there again. They all crowd around Peter doing. . . god knows what. I looked over at Karp and notice he stopped and opened the magazine back up. I shook my head at him. 

Next thing I know I see a boy in a black jacket fly by, snatching the magazine out of Karp's hands. Two more boys in black jackets follow behind him. "Hey. Hey! That's mine!" Karp yelled at them as he attempted to grab the magazine back. 

I jolted off the wall as the others approached next to me. "Hi, girls." One of them said mockingly—there were three of them, the one who stole the magazine, in the middle was Aidan, and at the end was Banks. I know him from the Hawks—he's the star pupil. . . A total rich boy, suck up.

"Does your mommy know you have that?" Aidan said in a childish voice as he leaned towards Karp with a smug grin. He pulled away and began and all three of them began to circle around us, like sharks, before stopping on the other side. I turn around to face them, my eyebrows furrowed in furry. 

"Nah, she's busy with the mailman." I roll my eyes at whoever said that.

"That'll make great bathroom reading." Banks said with a laugh as he rode by us. 

"That's mine you jerk, I found it!" Karp complained, they continue to circle us like sharks—and we're the prey. 

"You don't even know what to do with it, wuss breath." Aidan said insultingly. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. 

"Are you gonna let them call you wuss breath?" Peter asked Karp I rolled my eyes at Peter as a signal to stop. 

"Peter don't—" I started, but it was already to late.

"No!" Karp growled as he pushed us out of his way and ran towards them. They caught him by his arms and threw him into a pile of trash. I grimace as trash falls all around him.

"Come on! Come on! You want some more?" They all started, I my eyes met Aidan's, he smirked slightly and continued his taunting. His eyes drifted away from mine and went around to the others. 

I huff as I watch a person—more known as, Fulton Reed— approach them silently from behind. Fulton grab hold of them by collars of their jackets, and  threw them to the pile of trash. I let out a laugh. Now, that's what I like to see. Fulton growled in a deep monotone at them, making them frantically get up and run away afraid of he's going to do to them.

"Thank, Fulton." I thank him with a small smile. He gives us a nod and walks off. We all hung out for an hour or two more before deciding we were gonna go home. 

I walked with Charlie along the side walk to his house. I didn't know if my mom was home or not, so I decided I was going to stay at my house for the night. First, I needed to get my hockey gear from Charlies house though. 

I picked up my bag and dropped it off at my house; I had put on my roller blades, and decided I would go buy a burger or something for dinner. Since I had only a few groceries left in the fridge.

I got the the place, ordered, and eaten all my food. I paid and left to go home. I was skating home on my street—I was only a few blocks away from my home when I head a familiar voice, "I'm sorry."

I stop and turn around; it was around sunset now, so it was getting darker by the minute. The person walked under a street lamp, so I could see them better. I raised my eyebrows at him—Aidan. 

"I'm sorry." He repeated. I lightly pushed myself off from the wall and made my way towards him. I outstretched my hand to stop myself on the brick wall in front of him.

"I'm sorry?" I questioned him as I crossed my arms as I glared at him.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that me and my friends bullied you, and your friends today. I really mean it, Y/n, I'm sorry." I stared at him—looking for any signs of jokes, pranks, or games, but I couldn't find any. He really was being sincere. He really was. . . sorry.

"yeah whatever." I clench my jaw as I spoke.

"We should have never done that." He said almost at a whisper.

"yeah. . . mhm." I hum as I raise and eyebrow at him.

"Really. . ?" He pauses, "that's all you have to say? I'm here trying to apologize and that's all you're going to say." He furrows his eyebrows and moved closer to me.

"Okay, fine. Apology not accepted. Can I go now?" I roll my eyes as I back up from him lightly tapping my finger on my arm.

His eyes narrow on me as he backs up, I see his jaw clench for a second before he speaks to me. "Fine. Leave." 

I eye him for a second before pushing off the wall and begin skiing back to my house. "Jackass." I mumble under my breath.

"Your not worth my time anyways." I hear his cold tone speak to me as I skate off, I pause for a second before deciding to let it go and not do anything. Though, he's really asking to get punched in the jaw right now, and I'd have no problem doing it if he keeps testing me like this.

I take a breath to calm myself, not really working but whatever. I soon get home and watch tv for a bit before going to sleep.





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