Chapter XXI

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I groaned as I stood mushed at the edge of the rope with like a million other boys behind me. 

We had to be tied together with Dwayne's rope for 'Teamwork.'

"This is more crowded than a truckload of goats." Dwayne complained. 

"Somebody better watch their hands." Julie warned.

"Or else their going to be a dead man." I threatened.

"Yuck, someone licked me!" Averman said disgusted; I could feel him moving around behind me trying to wipe the saliva off of him. 

"Oh, I smell somethin'." Fulton said. I smelt something too — god damn!

"Goldberg!" We all groaned.

"It wasn't me!" Goldberg said defensively. 

"No, it was me!" Portman said proudly; I groaned and shook my head. 

"I don't know how to make this any clearer. You are a team. And to win this thing, you have to work as one." Coach said coming around in front of us. 

"Now, as one. Skate." Coach Bombay instructed. I sighed as I tried to move forwards, but ended up falling with the rest of my team. 

"Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down. Now get up and try it again." I groaned as I got up and waited for the rest of the team. 

They were finally back up and roped together again. "Alright, all of you move to your right. Now." Portman commanded.

"Who made you the boss? Everyone to the left." Fulton said angrily. I sighed as I listened to Fulton. 

Some people went to the right, some to the left. We all fell down once again. 

"You guys can argue all you want, but I'm not untying you until you move as one." 

We finally got the hang of it — we skated in the same way all together. 

"Now your learning! Communication! That's it! Good, together. Move together. Charge! Alright! Right turn! Turn right." Coach said trying to hype us up. 

I smiled as we all made a successful right turn all together. 

A few moments later we finished with the exercise and took a knee in front of Coach. 

"You guys are startin' to look like Hockey players. I'm proud of ya' team." Coach said proudly as he picked up Dwayne's lasso. 

My eyes followed Coach as he made his way over to Dwayne. "You worked hard today. But Hockey should also be fun. Rancher Dwayne."

"Yes, sir!" Dwayne responded. 

"Round me up some stray cattle there." Coach said handing Dwayne his lasso. 

"Uh-oh." I whispered as me and the rest of the team got up and away from Dwayne.  Trying not to get caught. 

"My pleasure!" Dwayne responded excitedly. 

I smiled as I avoided his rope for the first time. I turned my head and saw Averman getting roped out. I smiled as Coach blew his whistle and yelled 'your out'.

I followed behind Fulton as Dwayne roped Charlie out. 

I swerved around Julie as she got roped out next. I smiled as I made my way around. 

He came after me; I skated backwards away from him. He smiled mischievously as he threw the rope over me. 

I smiled as I pulled the rope over off of me, and went to go sit on the bench next to Charlie. 

Dwayne finally roped everyone out; we all went back out onto the ice and started Country dancing. 

I smiled as I copied Dwayne's foot work. I looked over at Adam who looked like he was having the time of his life; I giggled at him. 

He looked over and smiled brightly at me — he shook his head and nearly fell over. 

How did he manage to do that? I'll never know.

I caught his arm just in time and pulled him up. I we both started laughing at one another. 

I shook my head at him with a bright smile. I looked over at Coach who was trying to dance. 

I giggled before getting Adams attention to look at him. Coach noticed and stopped. I smiled as he waved his arms around and walked away. 

The whole team was watching him, apparently.

Later that day:

Mr. Tibbles puled back a black cover that was hiding something. He revealed a big 'Wheaties' box with the whole team on it. 

"Ta-da!" Mr. Tibbles announced excitedly. 

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Cool," I commented.

"Hey, y'all, that's us!" Dwayne said.

"Duh, we know that." Fulton said loud enough. Dwayne looked around confused, I shook my head at him. 

Mr. Tibbles cleared his throat, "Today, it's a Wheaties box. Tomorrow, it's video games, action figures, lunch boxes. The sky is the limit. Now, just to make sure that everybody knows who you are, try on one of these." 

He pulled out a red, whit, and blue jersey that said U.S.A. Right in front. He pulled out one of the sleeves to show us what it said. "Brought to you by those wonderful people at Hendrix... For all your Hockey needs. Fulton, there you go. Coach." 

The threw the jersey to Fulton; which he caught. He also threw one to coach. 

We all walked up to get our new jerseys. I found mine and picked it up. 

I looked at the back where my last name and number is; Y/l/n, 55. 

Wow, this is cool, although we should have kept our original colors. 

I sighed as I set my jersey down on the table next to Charlie. I pulled out a chair and sat down; I gently put my arm on his shoulder and rest my chin down. 

"It's nice, Coach, but we're the Ducks. This stuff says "Hendrix" all over it." Charlie said as he let go of the material. 

"Yeah, well, they're our sponsors, Charlie." Coach explained. 

"So? Can't we be the U.S.A Ducks?" Charlie asked. 

"Or at least keep our own colors?" I continued on. 

"It's business stuff, guys. Don't worry about it." Coach got up to talk to Mr. Tibbles. I sighed and Charlie rested his head on mine. 

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