Chapter XIX

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Without thinking I placed my lips to his.

—And he kissed back.

I melted into the kiss as he gently wrapped his hands around my waist. I placed my hand gently on his jawline as I wrapped the other around his shoulder. 

I have to stand on the tips of my skates to reach Aidan better. I let his warm embrace engulf me, like I never thought it would... 

I felt like to whole world revolved around us, for once. 

I didn't know what to do — I just... 


I inched closer to him as he kept a steady grip on my waist, ensuring that I didn't fall. I ran my fingers through his soft disheveled hair; he move his hand gently on the back of my head. 

I got lost in the kiss; hoping it wouldn't end. 

It needed to end, but I didn't have the courage to stop it — I guess nor did he. 

He gently pulled away; I opened my eyes to meet his. He gave me a soft smile, and gently cupped my face with his hands. He placed a soft peck on my lips; I gave him a warm smiled ensuring it was going to be okay. 

He took a steady breath — his dreamy baby brown eyes stared back to mine. "Go be with them." I couldn't read his emotions. It was like he blocked me out, so I couldn't read them.

I nodded; expressionless, not daring to say a word, as this was already hard enough. I never planned it to be this hard — I was just going to say goodbye and be on my way. I never planned the kiss, it just... happened.

I gently placed my hands around his wrists and remove them from my face. I glanced down at our hands, I moved my hands to his palms. 

My eyes filled with tears as I began to walk away, slowly letting go of him. 

I sighed as I got to the ends of his fingers, taking in his touch for the last time. "Y/n, wait!" He pulled me back and wrapped his arm around me. He placed a soft kiss on my lips; I kissed back. 

I opened my eyes as he pulled away "I— I love you, Y/n." 

My face softened at his words — he loved me... our two years of friendship I never thought I would hear those words come out of his mouth. 

I didn't know how to respond — I stood there speechless, like a deer in headlights. 

I finally found my voice, "I love you too, Aidan." I smiled warmly at him and placed a kiss on his lips. 

I pulled away and gave him one last hug, I allowed a tear fall from my eyes and onto his shoulder. 

I noticed his two friends staring at us intently, interested in what was going on. I giggled at them, "What's so funny?" Aidan questioned me. 

I pulled away from him and nodded in the direction of his friends. He smiled at them and pulled me into a kiss. I started laughing; I couldn't control myself, I could feel his smiled against my lips. 

I held onto his shoulders as I continued laughing — I dropped my head to look at my feet. Hoping that would keep me from laughing. 

I was wrong. 

He held onto my arms as he just smiled at me. I looked up to see his face he had a smile plastered across his face which made me laugh harder. 

He shook his head — he kept his smile. He turned me around as my backside was against him; still laughing. "Get outta' here." He laughed as he gently pushed me forwards.

I smiled as I caught my self and skated onto the sidewalk. I smiled and waved him goodbye. 

"See ya'!" I yelled as I turned a corner. 

He yelled something else, which I couldn't hear properly. 

I made my way down to where Coach said to meet him. I luckily saw the team making their way down the street, I nonchalantly rejoined them, somehow no one noticed when I slipped back in. 

Except for one, Adam. 

"Where were you?" He asked moving closer to me. 

"No where," He wasn't convinced. "I'll tell you later then," I gave in as he went back to where he was. 

We came down the rode; Charlie did the duck call to get Coach Bombay's attention. I smiled as we all chanted "Ducks!" When we made our way to him.

I went over the curb and crowded our way around Coach. I smiled as we all cheered around him, Adam had wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I'm guessing to stay up. 

I'm not sure. 

"Welcome back, Ducks. I really missed you guys. Are you ready to fly?" Coach asked excitedly. 

"Yeah!" We all shouted; I clapped along with my other teammates. We heard a car honking; I turned to see a sleek black limo stopping at the curb. 

Amazed mummers flew around "Can't be from this neighborhood." I commented; I got Déjà vu from when we first met Coach. 

A guy in a suit popped out of the sun roof, "Hey you, guys! I'm Don Tibbles, Hendrix Hockey Apparel. We're your official sponsors. Anybody want a card?" 

I shrugged my shoulders and went to get a card. I smiled as I slid the card into my back pocket of my shorts. 

Adam grabbed my hand and took me to the side of a building away from everybody, so we couldn't be heard.

"Tell me, where were you?" Adam inquired. 

I hesitated before telling him, but I did. I told Adam what had happened. He didn't seem mad — confused at most. Most defiantly not mad.

His eyes — they seemed... sad, jealous maybe.

I looked over his should and saw Charlie watching us. He on the other hand had a hint of jealousy in his eyes. 


I snapped out of my gaze when Adam started snapping his fingers in my face. "Hello? Earth to Y/n!"

"Wh— What?"

"I was saying that I didn't care." He mumbled something under his breath. Something I didn't quite catch. 

What is up with people and mumbling today? Damn.

I zoned off as he went with the others. 


A/n: Sorry for not updating in a while!

Angel On The Ice - Charlie Conway X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz