Chapter Forty Two...

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"How are you feeling?" Sellik was back in her vibrant green skin, looking as vital and beautiful as ever while she shone a torch into Jia's eyes.

"Tired but otherwise okay."

"No headaches? Nausea?"

"Not since Louie forced me to rest for the day," Jia replied, smiling at the attendant as she fussed around and wrote notes. "I started to feel better after eating something but the sleep helped a lot too."

"What you did required an immense amount of energy." Sellik tapped her pen gently against her chin as she spoke. "More energy than I've ever known Lucifer or Satan to exhibit, that's for sure."

"All I did was follow Lanthia's instructions," Jia shrugged. "I'm not even sure how I managed to do whatever it was I did."

"You saved a city from falling victim to the Vampires," the attendant snorted. "No need to be modest. It's lucky Jezebeth never met you, otherwise she might recognise your energy. You risked your safety to help people you don't even know."

"My safety is already at risk just for dating Lucifer. Helping the Witches wasn't a big deal." Jia knotted the hem of her shirt in her hands, looking away as her cheeks darkened. "I just wish I knew where it came from. I've never been able to tap into my power that way."

"That's easy. The moon gate helped you unlock whatever talent was hiding inside you. It's like an antenna. The power is always there, the gate just helped you find the right channel. Theoretically, now you've done it once you should be able to do it again without a gate." Sellik cast the notes aside and set her hands on her hips. "Next time just make sure you know your limits before diving in head first, okay? I don't want to hear you accidentally killed yourself."

"I'll try," Jia grinned, sliding off the gurney as Sellik shooed her away. When she stepped out of the Infirmary Lucifer was waiting for her. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Evander standing quietly beside him.

"Hey," he greeted, stepping forwards to pull her into a hug. "Lucifer said I could be here. I was worried about you." She smiled into his shoulder before embracing him in return.

"I'm surprised you two aren't trying to kill one another," she replied when she was released, raising an eyebrow at them both.

"I promised I'd stop being an asshat, remember?" Evan grinned. "Besides, I can't be too mad at him or he'll electrocute me." He waved a hand, exposing the shock bracelet around his wrist.

"Obviously the bracelet is working then," Lucifer replied, but there was a twinkle in his eye that gave him away. "I just hope I don't have to use it."

"You and me both."

"Did you two just come to greet me or is there a more serious reason that you're here?" Jia asked.

"Unfortunately there is. We found the first group of Demons on our hit list. My brothers are making plans to return to the human world as soon as you feel well enough to help us. Evander wants to come with us," Lucifer explained.

"I need to say goodbye to my family." The Vampire spoke plainly but his shoulders were tense, betraying just how deeply the thought hurt him. "I need them to know that I'm not dead and that I'm not a danger. Even if they hate me, at least I said goodbye."

"What about Hannah?" Jia asked. Evan cast his eyes down.

"I haven't decided yet." He sighed. "Will you come with me? I was hoping you'd try to help keep them calm."

"Of course I will," Jia agreed, taking his hand in both of hers. "I can't guarantee I'll be any good at it but I can definitely try."

"Will you have the energy to do that and influence one or more Greater Demons all in one night?" Lucifer asked.

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