Chapter Twenty Seven...

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Jia's eyes widened and she stood quickly, her cheeks flushing crimson as Lucifer bit down on an irritated growl. Evan looked between them with a mixture of amusement and confusion.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Why would you say that?" Jia gasped.

"What? That you slept with me?" Evander frowned. "We joke about it all the time. I thought you didn't mind."

"We joke about it, Evan. You and me. That doesn't mean you can go using it to your advantage. What if Lucifer and I were together? The only thing you'd achieve if we were is hurting me." She clenched her fists to stop them trembling.

"Are you together?" he asked with a casual shrug.

"No," Lucifer answered.

"Then what's the problem? Don't overreact, Jia." The Vampire rolled his eyes in a gesture so unlike her friend that it almost made her back away.

"How do you want me to react?" she asked.

"Not like this." Evan frowned. "You don't normally care."

"You don't normally bring up that night to win an argument either," she retorted. "I've never been ashamed of how we met until now. You made me sound...easy." Evan's eyes narrowed and Lucifer moved to stand beside Jia, watching cautiously as the Vampire's temper started to rise.

"I wasn't the one that got drunk and went home with the first guy she met," Evan answered, his voice cold and sharp. Jia felt like she'd been slapped in the face.

"That's enough," Lucifer warned, anger turning his words to steel. "This visit is over. When you can control your temper we'll try again."

Jia couldn't believe things had escalated so fast. It was like a switch had flicked inside Evan that turned him from the person she knew into somebody else entirely.

"I'll see you soon, Ev," she mumbled. As she turned to go he caught her wrist hard enough to hurt. Lucifer moved so fast he seemed to blur, gripping Evan by the throat as Jia's eyes widened in shock and fear.

"Let go of her or you will lose that arm," he warned. She saw the dark shadows rising from his skin, the flickering hellfire in his red eyes and the black horns of his true form and she knew that it was taking everything he had not to kill Evan.

The Vampire bared his teeth and his grip tightened as Lucifer's wings unfurled. A bone in her forearm cracked and she hissed in pain as Evan's other hand struck Lucifer hard in the chest. The Demon didn't even flinch despite the horrible thud of knuckles against his ribs.

His countering strike was instant, vicious and effective. He snapped a fist across Evander's cheek hard enough to make him let go and the Vampire fell back. Lucifer kicked out his knee, then grabbed his head as he fell and kneed him hard in the face. Evan was unconscious before he hit the ground.

Lucifer took Jia's uninjured arm and led her out of the room, locking the door behind him before he doubled over and coughed. She could feel that her wrist was broken but she forgot about it as soon as she saw him wipe his mouth and his hand came away red. Fear quickened her pulse.

"I broke my fingers again. Sellik won't be pleased." He straightened up and took her hand carefully, touching the spot where he knew the bone was cracked. "He hurt you," he growled.

"We knew he might."

"The only reason he isn't ash right now is because he's your friend."

"I know." Her brows pulled together. "You're bleeding again."

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