Chapter Four...

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"It's so nice when dinner comes to us," said the female behind them and she too walked close enough to show her silvery eyes. Evander tightened his grip on Jia's arm even as she was reaching out with her mind, trying her hardest to make them turn and walk away. The male Vampire's grin broadened as he felt her tapping at his consciousness.

"Ah, a Lotura. Your blood will taste especially nice," he murmured.

"Your little tricks don't work on the undead," the female Vampire giggled. "So you might as well stop trying." She skipped forwards a few steps to peer up into Evander's face as he backed Jia up towards the wall. "Oh, you're a handsome one. If you'd only chosen a different alley you could've saved your pretty face."

"You can have my blood, just let Jia go," Evander answered calmly. "Let her walk away from this and I won't struggle."

"Aww, how sweet that you're protecting your girlfriend," the woman crooned.

"Unfortunately one of you isn't enough to feed both of us. Valiant of you though," the male added. "Now be a good little boy and give her to me."

"Not a chance."

The male Vampire snarled and his fangs dropped as he advanced. While Evander's attention was divided the female inched forwards.

She moved faster than an attacking snake, sinking her teeth into his throat. Jia yelled as Evander grunted and dropped to one knee under the creature's weight. The male Vampire laughed, his eyes glowing as he prepared to kill them both.

"Run, Jia!" Evander gasped. He tried to pry the female off as Jia avoided the swiping hands of the other one.

"I'm not leaving you!" she called back. Her anger snapped taught, so much anger at everything. Anger at not remembering her life. Anger at being taken away from the Demonic Realm. Anger at being abused. She felt furious at how awful the last eight years had been to her and that fury made her violent.

She ducked under the grasp of the male, elbowed him in the stomach and volleyed the females' head like a football. She gurgled in shock and slumped to the ground, her teeth tearing from Evander's throat as she crashed into the wall. The male snarled and spun, the back of his hand cracking across Jia's cheek hard enough to stagger her.

Evander growled and launched himself at the male, dropping his shoulder and slamming hard into his torso. The Vampire coughed as he landed on his back beneath the human. Evander tried to fire off a punch but his assailant was faster, knocking him to the side and getting his hands around his throat. He gagged and the male bit down on his skin again.

Two bites. Two Vampire bites in the space of a few minutes, both to the throat. Jia felt sick as Evan's struggles grew weaker.

The female was on her feet again and advancing slowly after such a forceful kick in the head. She bared her teeth and snarled as Jia turned and tried to focus over the blood rushing in her ears. She wasn't fast enough to outrun a Vampire, not by a long shot. She couldn't leave Evan.

She whispered a silent sorry to Mammon and his brothers, her fingers brushing the symbol on her palm as she realised she'd never see them again. The female leapt and Jia squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for death.

She heard a startled cry that choked off in a wet gurgle and her eyes flew open. The female's head was gone and the body teetered for a moment before dropping onto its front, disintegrating into a pile of ash as it hit the ground. She heard a similar sound behind her from the male, but her eyes were fixed on the sight in front of her.

A man was brushing ash from his hands. His eyes were a beautiful shade of deep amber and his hair was silvery and ruffled, falling over his forehead as he grinned and showed a pair of pointed incisors.

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