Chapter Twenty Five...

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It took two days for Lucifer to be well enough to leave the Infirmary. Jia watched as he fastened the tie around his neck and stood.

Since telling her he was going to teach her to defend herself, she'd spent almost every minute with him. He'd agreed that the safest place for her was beside him while Satan was making his plans and she'd had no problems following his advice.

Mammon and Belphegor dropped by regularly, as did the rest of the Devils, to report on how the academy was doing in his absence and to see if he was okay. Every single one of them addressed him with a level of respect she'd not noticed them exhibit before.

"Everyone is acting differently around you," she said as he slipped a dark navy suit jacket over his shoulders.

"That's because they know I could have fought back," he answered, fiddling with his shirt sleeves. "They also know that if I had they'd all be worse off. They'll go back to normal soon." She saw his brow tighten a little as he adjusted the back of his collar, betraying the fact that he was still in pain. He still had tape around two of his fingers where the bone hadn't set right. It had needed to be re-broken despite Sellik's best efforts to fix it.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. He arched one dark eyebrow at her.

"For the fiftieth time, I'm alright."

"Your face says otherwise. You keep flinching when you stretch."

"My father cut my heart and lungs to ribbons with a knife. It's not surprising that I still have some pain. You don't need to worry." He crossed the space and pulled her against him, wrapping her in a rare, gentle hug. "But I appreciate that you do." His voice was soft and honey smooth as he spoke quietly into her hair.

"You're hugging me. You don't hug. Usually it's me that hugs you."

"Would you like me to stop?"

"No," she replied immediately, circling her arms around his waist to keep him there. He smelled wonderful despite his time in the Infirmary.

"I'm glad you're safe. I was worried when he came that you'd be hurt while I couldn't protect you. I'm very happy that you weren't. Had I been able, I would've hugged you much sooner." He dropped his arms and went to step back, pausing when she didn't let go.

"I'm not done yet," she protested. He chuckled and held her tighter, careful not to hurt himself. "This is great. You should become a hugger."

"No," he replied. "Hugging implies I'm nice."

"Are you not nice?" she asked in surprise as she pulled back a little, looking up at him to find him looking right back with a faint half smile on his lips.

His face was suddenly very close to hers. She felt heat creep into her cheeks and moved away immediately, letting him go. He grinned.

"Shut up," she muttered.

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to." His grin broadened.

"Why are you blushing?"

"No reason," she answered quickly. "Don't you have work to do? You've been slacking off for several days now."

"I was dead for half that time." He folded his arms across his chest, the smile still not slipping from his face.

"That doesn't mean the work won't be waiting for you."

"I suppose you're right." She watched as he disappeared through the curtain, taking a breath to compose herself before she followed him. Sellik collared him on the way out of the Infirmary.

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