Chapter Thirty Four...

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Jia didn't know when she fell asleep, but she was warm and comfortable and the soundtrack of zombies wailing and Bee snoring gently was strangely calming.

Bell never showed to watch the movie so it was just the three of them watching Bee's big TV. She'd sandwiched herself between him and Evan and managed to watch the first hour, but soon her eyelids were drooping. Bee fell asleep once his snacks were done and that was the final straw. Her eyes betrayed her and she crashed into a dreamless nap.

She woke up to find her pillow was cool and still and strangely solid. She recognised Bee's room from the sports posters on the walls and the navy paint. She was still facing the TV with her legs tucked up beneath her, head resting on whatever was beside her.

"I thought your intention was to watch the movie, not sleep through it," a familiar voice teased.

She'd fallen asleep on Evander. She didn't pull away immediately, fascinated instead by the fact that his heart had only beat once since she woke. She waited a moment, her eyebrows rising when it beat again several long seconds later.


"I'm awake," she said, sitting up at last. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you."

"Don't be, I've missed the physical contact. Being locked in a room alone for weeks isn't exactly my idea of fun." He grinned down at her. His arm was around her shoulders and at some point she'd burrowed into his side. She felt a blush spread across her cheeks and his grin widened.

"What're you embarrassed about?"

"Hannah would kill me if she were here," she muttered, extracting herself from under his arm. His eyes clouded and he looked away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad."

"Nah, it's alright. You're probably right to be honest." He frowned slightly. "Or you would be if I was still human, anyway. Who knows what she'd do now?"

"Are you nervous about seeing her again?"

"Of course I am. I've been with her for years and now I'm this." He sighed. "I'll be lucky if she doesn't try to kill me."

"You never know," Jia answered. "She might not freak out like you think." He raised an eyebrow at her and she sighed. Hannah would definitely freak out.

"It's cute that you're trying to make me feel better about it, but you don't need to." He nudged her playfully. "As long as I still have my partner in crime I'll be fine." She grinned back at him as he glanced at Beelzebub's sleeping form. "The Demons here are really crap at keeping an eye on me," he commented.

"I've noticed that."

"How are you coping knowing that you're one of them?" he asked.

"Honestly? I'm kind of happy to know the truth. It feels better knowing that I want to make the Demonic Realm my home. I still have plenty of things left to think about but at least I know where I belong now."

"I'm glad something makes sense to you at least. I can't imagine how crazy it must feel to be in the middle of your life right now."

"My father is a Demon, my mother is an Angel, my best friend just became a Vampire, I've given up my place in the Human Realm and Satan is out to get me." She chewed her lip. "Saying it all out loud makes it seem so much crazier."

"And your Demon Prince is in love with you."

"I told you to shut up about that," she muttered. "And stop calling him that."

"But he is a Prince."

"Yeah, but you say it like it's an insult and not his title." She hesitated. "And I don't know how he feels."

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