Chapter Forty Five...

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Jia and Lucifer stayed locked in his room behind their enchanted shield for the rest of the night, deciding not to come out until it was time for the ceremony with Jezebeth. Lucifer didn't want to risk any of the other Devils being accused of knowing their plan when Satan finally realised he couldn't have Jia.

When morning rolled around she was stood at Lucifer's window looking out, having had no sleep at all that night. Her body and mind were exhausted but fear had kept her eyes from closing. Would Satan and Louie really fight? And if they did would Lucifer win?

A thousand what ifs tormented her until she'd eventually kicked off the covers in frustration and stalked to the window. Lucifer had watched her go but said nothing, allowing her to have the space to process everything that had happened.

"Jia," he said eventually, rising from the bed to stand behind her and pull her back against his chest. "We can do this."

"I'm just so worried. What if your father really is angry enough to try and kill you for good?"

"Then I fight him," Lucifer replied simply. "The thing about my father is that his anger often gets the better of him. He's clever, but when his temper rises enough his judgement becomes clouded. I can beat him, Jia."

"I hope so." She turned to face him and rested her head in the crook of his neck, savouring his familiar scent. "I don't want to lose you after I just got you."

"You won't," he vowed, kissing the top of her head. His eyes strayed to the window and he sighed. "We should go." He waved a hand and the sheen over the door disappeared at his command.

"Can I go change?"

"Of course. Just make sure you wear something that shows your mark." She nodded and kissed him quickly, slipping out of the room and heading down the hallway a moment later.

When the door closed behind her she let out a heavy sigh and pressed her face into her hands, overwhelmed all at once by a confusing mix of giddiness and abject terror. Her heart pounded hard against her ribs, making her breath come in quick gasps. She slid to the floor and hugged her knees to her chest, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth while the room spun around her.

After several moments of deep breathing her panic attack subsided enough to stand. She dressed mechanically, working through the motions with a sense of detachment the way she used to after a particularly nasty beating from Abaddon. One thing was different though. When she was dressed she walked to the new mirror in the corner of the room and forced herself to look.

She was shocked by what greeted her. Her bruises were gone, along with her sunken eyes and prominent bones. Her skin was soft and creamy, her hair was shinier and her body was slender rather than skinny. The bond mark was identical to Lucifer's, swirling whimsically over her skin and across the back of her hand for everyone to see. For the first time she looked in the mirror and she liked what she saw.

Confidence blossomed in her chest, small at first, but the longer she looked the more the flame fanned to life, bursting into an inferno that filled her veins. With a smile on her face, she left the room and greeted Lucifer where he waited outside her door.

"I looked in the mirror." He nodded, waiting patiently for her to continue. "For the first time in as long as I can remember, I forced myself to look in the mirror and I didn't see Lisbeth. I saw Jia. I'm strong, Lucifer. We're strong. We can do this together." His smile was broad as he held his hand out in answer. She twisted her fingers through his and let him guide her into the shadows.

They stepped out of them a moment later, appearing in the large ballroom that usually doubled as a cafeteria for Apollyon's students to eat in. Today it was decorated with innumerable flowers in the deepest red that seem to have sprung up out of nowhere. Rows of black chairs were arranged with an aisle down the centre, leading to an arch of yet more red roses crusted with diamantés. Jia shuddered at the site.

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