Chapter 8

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Commander Rigel stares at me, looking deep in thought and then he places a firm hand over my shoulder in reinforcement.

"This child is officially under my care now and we will do everything in our power to keep her safe. No one's selling her off over some stupid Plutonian bounty," His words strike the air like lasers and I notice everyone in the room straightens up. "You're one of us now."

He nods me and then he looks at Joon.

"You too son, we owe you two after your stint on the Plutonian air base. We wouldn't be in the position to negotiate terms with Plutonian leaders if it weren't for you." The Commander squeezes my shoulder and smiles at me in appreciation before he lets go. "Some one help them get freshened up. And give them some nice food."

Catori curls her arm around mine and pulls me out of the tent before I crumble to the floor. I see another human I don't recognise pull Joon along as well.

"I'm sorry," Cat says quietly.

My eyes stay on the floor, I have nothing to say.

Lucian doesn't want to have anything to do with me. I should have seen that coming from a light year away but it still doesn't ease the ache in my chest.

His image is still plastered behind my eyelids. Every time I close my eyes I see him and the dark circles under his eyes.

Did I cause those?

"Let me show you around," Cat tugs at my arm, ignoring my sullen expression and drags me towards the side of the terrain. "Keep your shawl on, okay?"

I do as I'm told and we walk along the bustling stalls that have been set up by the sides of the walkways. It reminds me of a market.

"How many people live here?" Joon asks from behind.

"A few thousand," Cat replies. She stops by a stall selling some corn like vegetable which is being roasted on a small slab of rock. She buys a few sticks and hands us one each.

I want to refute, feeling too miserable to eat but one bite makes me relish at the taste. It's been a while since I ate anything good and I end up finishing it within a few seconds. Cat hands me another one and we continue walking along the pathway.

Numerous rebels pass by and I keep my head low, feeling paranoid about being noticed.

"There are make shift houses along the walls because the floors are sturdy enough to carry their weight. Because of this we were able to fit more than double the population in this area," Cat points at the large slabs of rock that jut out from all corners of the walls. They form many layers forming what looks like a giant uneven staircase on each wall.

I take a deep breath of air that is laced with the smell of food from the stalls. Aliens from all over the universe walk along the sides of the tavern, mingling with each other like it is second nature.

There are even some Plutonians helping to set up some tents and some are busy harvesting food at the opposite end of the terrain.

There is no segregation in this place and everyone seems to work together as a unit. I've never seen anything like it.

"How long have the rebels lived here?" I ask Cat.

"About fifty years, I think. Commander Rigel helped us set it up while he was still with the Plutonian empire but he 'disappeared' around two decades ago to join us full time. We were able to really extend our reach under his direction," She replies.

"When did you join?" Joon asks.

"About five years ago," She says. "Hugo here has been with them much longer. Right grandpa?"

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