Chapter 30

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The rain on this planet remains unrelenting for the next few days. Everyone spends most of their time either training, eating, sending out or picking up updates on broadcasts. 

My days are mostly spent with the humans here where I have learnt more and more about Earth and the way it is being run currently. I always knew Earth was run differently from Pluto, large pieces of land divided into many countries. 

Each country is apparently run by a government and the countries who call the shots and hold the most power are the ones who have been working with the Plutonians from the beginning. It makes everything fall into perspective for example the deputy directors actions as well as the Japanese authorities who arrested us when we crashed in Tokyo.

In a twisted way Earth does in fact have a central unified hidden power calling all the shots, whereas on Pluto it is more transparent with the generals and the war council leaders. 

Although come to think of it I may never have learned about the war council meetings and generals if I had only remained a slave.

I am walking along a wooden corridor with Joon, Cat and Rachel by my side. The rain from the dark skies above pound against the roof above like beating drums. It drowns out everything else in my ears and leaves little opportunity for conversation amongst the four of us. 

The other humans are trailing from behind. Our pace is swift, almost urgent as we make our way to the main hall where everyone has gathered to discuss our next steps from here. 

We have yet to discover if our broadcasts were received well or received at all and then there is the impending fear of war looming over our every thought. 

It is at times like this where I long for my nights spent with Lucian. Those moments serve as my only reprieve where we pretend everything else doesn't exist and make small talk about frivolous things that have no meaning. 

I stifle a smile as I remember our conversation from last night. Tangled up in the sheets and each others arms we had discussed about how the universe came to be and how rain was formed, only our discussion had taken a much less realistic route. 

Lucian had joked about the rain coming from the skies tears. According to him the planet was crying because we had to wake up in the morning and start a new day. 

I joked about the universe being a figment of our imagination and this went on to a heated conversation about protons and dimensions, etc only Lucian had to end it with the cheesiest line. 

"You are my universe." 

The smile on my face stretches as I recall hitting him after that which lead to other things. 

"Why are you smiling like a creep?" Cat has to shout to be heard over the rain and I turn to face her abruptly. "Has there been any good news about the broadcasts?" 

I blush and shake my head quickly. It has nothing to do with that at all. "No, just remembered something." 

Cat narrows her eyes at me mischievously but doesn't prod further. We march through a few buildings, getting wet in the rain ever so often till we reach the main hall where everyone has gathered to meet. 

The hall is already full by the time we get there with Commander Rigel, Luna, Lucian and General Lyra standing by the head of the long table that lies in the centre. 

They are all engaged in a heated discussion with leaders of the other planets who have come to support us. I see leader Mori standing amongst them, listening in and then catch sight of his daughter Xari who is standing by his side idly. 

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