Chapter 35

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I have never warned you guys about a cliffhanger before. But I feel the need to warn you about this one. It is pretty intense and some of you might want to wait for the next update (sometime next week) first. For those of you who don't mind, hope you enjoy :)

The ship rocks back and forth wildly as Lazarus fly's us out of Earth's atmosphere, hurdling us into outer space at a frantic pace. 

The tight piece of wire is still wrapped firmly around my waist. I push at it but it remains as stubborn as ever. I search the small control room desperately, looking for any weapon I can use to hurt him. 

I spot a laser gun latched into the wall across from me and stare at Lazarus's broad back. He is still focused on keying in our coordinates, now might be the only time I have. 

I move silently, using my knees as I crawl across the floor, keeping my eyes on him the entire time. I barely make it halfway when he turns around and spots me. 

He laughs at me, a loud maniacal sound that echoes throughout the control room, grating my ears. I've never heard him sound like this, never seen him look so disheveled and unhinged. 

I scramble towards the gun desperately only to have him grab me by the neck and pull me back. 

Up close I can see that his eyes are blood shot and his fingers dig into my skin making me wince in pain. 

"You are just so pointlessly persistent, aren't you?" He drags me back to the wall and pulls my arms above my head. 

I struggle against him but my efforts are useless, he is much stronger than I remember. His grip on my wrists are like iron as he locks my hands to a contraption in the wall. 

Once he is done, he smiles in satisfaction and leans back. "There that should keep you in place."

He gets up and goes back to the control board, leaving me to my discomfort. I move my wrists against the sturdy, smooth metal handcuffs. They hold my hands above my head, forcing me to lean forward and soon my arms start to ache. 

I stare daggers at Lazarus only to see him punch the smooth surface of the control board. He screams in frustration and walks back and forth as he runs his hands through his hair. 

"Everything's ruined. It's all ruined," He mutters to himself, paying little attention to me. 

Something catches his eye on the monitor and he turns to me for a second. His eye's alight with glee, but he looks so crazed, so unlike his usual smug self that it sends a bolt of fear down my spine. 

"He's following us," He smiles widely. He fiddles with the monitor, his attention now focused on its small screen like it is his lifeline. "And he's alone." 

My heart sinks to my stomach and dread fills my veins, making me want to retch. 

"You don't have to do this. You're alive. You've escaped. You can go wherever you like, no one will find you," I say hopefully. 

"I'm not a coward. I will not hide like Lucian did just because I have lost," Lazarus clenches his fists to his sides and turns to me again. He grits his teeth, looking angrier than I've ever seen him. 

"This entire thing was an abomination. Lucian and all those ugly, disgusting aliens fighting together like they were all on the same level. You, a worthless little human, fighting with them," He wipes his face with his hand, paralysed with disbelief. "If our Plutonian ancestors saw this they would be turning in their graves. Lucian has destroyed everything we Plutonians built for millennia. Our very empire is in destruction and now the aliens run amok, thinking they are equal to us. It is the worst thing I could have ever imagined." 

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