Earth Is Mine

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(A Brief Summary) 

The empire is currently divided between those who support Lucian and those who support Lazarus. Prior to this, the Plutonian empire has been ruled by a group of Generals with the oldest general occupying the position of highest power and the rest following in order.

Their reign has been passed down for generations and generations. The generals were considered the rulers of the empire and thus the rulers of the universe. Pluto acts as the primary military base - the Central planet - where the command centre monitors all the other planets under the Plutonian empire.

There are currently around two thousand planets under the Plutonian's rule. 

The Plutonians control colonised planets by monopolising all trade routes, thus collecting taxes and toll for their travels and goods. In planets like Earth and Cixin, which have not evolved enough to be able to travel in space and trade like the Taygetians or Elcians, the Plutonians collect their tax in other ways. 

They get potent medicine from Cixin and humans from Earth. 

Being their descendants, the humans share the same DNA as the Plutonians and are therefore used as slaves, fighters and breeders to rebuild the diminishing Plutonian population. The Plutonian population has suffered greatly after a millennia of war and constant efforts to colonise as many planets as they can. 

There are Plutonians scattered throughout the entire universe, all stationed on their colonised planet's moons to monitor them. 

Although all powerful, the Plutonians were not able to control nature and an approaching cluster called Planet X. It's impending collision and destruction of Pluto caused the leaders to seek out a new planet to move their Command Centre to: 


With the help of General Lyra, Aria and Joon were able to escape Pluto and are currently en route to Earth to warn the humans of the impending invasion. 

Aria's departure although successful resulted in breaking Lucian's trust and gave Lazarus the opportunity to blame Lucian for her treachery. This resulted in a deathly fight between the two potential leaders. 

Fun fact: There is in fact a Planet X said to be around the size of Neptune lurking behind Pluto at this very moment and is said to orbit around our Sun in a highly elongated orbit. I think this was discovered in 2015/2016?

Hey guys welcome back!! 

Welcome to the sequel of Plutonian. Thank you so much for continuing on this outer space journey with me and supporting this story. It really means a lot.

Also I feel the need to WARN you guys that since this story is written in 1st POV and Aria is currently far far away from Pluto, you guys will not see Lucian immediately. He will be coming in a little later so Lucian fans please hang in there ;) :).

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