Chapter 36

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The next few moments stretch out into an eternity, and like a rubber band I'm pulled to the edge of my limits, dangerously close to breaking into pieces. 

The world is a daze, my surroundings a blur. I don't register the tall black uniformed soldiers that swarm in and grab me. 

They pull me away, just as another picks up Lucian, his eyes closed, body limp and unmoving. My fingers are forced to release his uniform and my eyes are blurry as I watch him being carried away. 

The emptiness in my palms, the stillness in his face before he was taken from me. It makes me choke, I can't barely breathe. 

The pain in my ribs comes back to me in full force where Lazarus had kicked me and suddenly everything becomes too much to bear.

I scream, I kick, I cry like a person who has finally lost it. 

"Aria, stop! Calm down," I vaguely register Remulus's harried voice but it does nothing to bring me to my senses. 

My blurred vision of dull grey ice is soon replaced with the metal walls of a ship and I'm placed on a stretcher as soldiers run around shouting things that don't reach my ears.

The only thing I hear repeatedly are Lazarus's cries after being bitten to death by the serpents and then Lucian's soft voice piercing me to the bone. 

I'm cold.

I spring up from my stretcher looking around for him frantically. I see a medical team surrounding him but I can't see his face and it drives me crazy. 

"Lucian! Is he alright?" I shout frantically and the person who was with me holds me down. 

"You have a broken rib. It would be best if you didn't move so much," The soldier demands and then he injects me with something. 

It must be a sedative because I began to feel lethargic immediately. I try my best to fight against it. I can't sleep not knowing if Lucian's okay.

I can't wake up to a reality where he isn't.

My body goes to sleep before my mind does and I reach a limp hand out towards him.

"Lucian," I murmur weakly. My brain is fogging up and suddenly I feel numb, like my hands and legs have turned to cotton. 

Somebody walks up to me and looks down, their face gaunt and haggard. My eyes are desperate and teary as I stare up at General Lyra. 

Her hair is mangled, her expression distraught. I've never seen her like this, never seen her so upset. She looks down at me and the last thing I see before my body shuts down, the last thing I see before the darkness takes over is the hatred in her eyes. 

Such pure and potent hatred. 

My body is heavy with sleep when I finally wake up and I look down at the bandages that have been wrapped around my waist. I sit up slowly, wincing at the dull, throbbing pain under the bandages. 

I look around at the plain walls and small white beds that line them on both sides. There is a narrow walkway in the middle and medical personnel rush through them. There are many injured soldiers occupying most of the beds around me, some of them seated and bandaged like myself, some still unconscious. 

"You're awake!" Joon almost shouts from the chair beside my bed. 

My head whips to the side, having just realised he was there and I curse at the pain the movement caused. 

"Joon," I mutter in relief, happy to see him alive and unharmed but then I immediately think of Lucian. 

"Lucian," I say hurriedly. I push the blanket off my legs and try to get off but he places a firm hand on my shoulder, forcing me to stay put. 

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