Chapter 3

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When I turned back around I saw a hand move quickly away from my drink. I turned to the creepy yet handsome looking guy next to me. I looked in my drink and saw a little bit of white dust on top of my pink drink.

I decided to flirt with the guy that did it, "Heyyyy cutie," I say with a wink.

"Hey, pretty lady," he says in a gross seductive tone. I can't deny that he is very handsome. He had piercing green eyes that would make any girl go weak at the knees. But I force myself not to stare at them for long.

"Can I ask you something?" before he could respond I continue, "Why did you try to drug me?"

He looks shocked as my tone went from flirtatious to serious in a matter of two seconds.

"Well, I have no idea what you are talking about," he says while slightly panicking. I can see the sweat building on his temple and his hands begin shaking. It's pathetic really.

I stand up, "Well if you don't know what I am talking about then why don't you take a sip of my drink?" a few heads turned our way and start watching this play out.

"N-no I am good," he stammers confirming my suspicion that he did in fact try to drug me as I suspected.

"You know what, I don't give a damn that you say you 'don't know anything about' because I know what you tried to do to me," I smirk at him.

I pick up my drink and smash the glass on his head. I watch as the pink drink that was in the glass stains his white button-up collar shirt and his face turns red with anger and embarrassment.

As I am walking out I yell back at him over my shoulder, "You know damn well what you did too." I flip him the bird and I leave the bar and Hazel and all her friends behind me.


I wake up the next morning with a raging headache. What the fuck happened last night. I shoot up out of bed causing my head to hurt more as I remember all the memories. After I broke the glass over the head of the annoyingly handsome guy who tried to drug me I drove to a different bar and drowned myself in more alcohol so that way all the memories of the whore house wouldn't come back and haunt me that night. I drank more than I think I ever have. I feel like someone hit me in the head with a refrigerator and the gorillas played basketball with me... except I was the ball.

Since it is the weekend I spent both Saturday and Sunday doing homework and reading at the library all day. For the first time ever, someone walked back to the row that my alcove is next to. It is a guy who is wearing all black, has a chiseled beard, and is very muscular. Not that attractive in the face if we are being honest. I don't think too much of it though. He grabs a book and walks away.

After I finished 'The Chronicles of Narnia' series I decide to read 'The Hunger Games' for about to 1000th time. I should really find some new books to read. I definitely read the same books way too much.

I go through the week ignoring all the messages from Hazel. That bitch can step on some legos. Maybe I will even slash three of her tires with one knife and slash the fourth with a different one. Finally, Friday came around and you know what that means. It is time to paaaaartayyyyyy! with myself. But that part is irrelevant.

I head to the bar, yes the same one I almost got drugged at. Who gives a fuck. I wish I knew the name of the bar but it is something in Italian that I do not bother to ever read.

I walk up to Big Mike, "Hey, Big Mike"

"That's not my na-"

" Yeah, I know" I walk past him into the bar.

It is even more crowded than usual. I walked in and multiple guys whistle at me. I was wearing a short, black dress with my long, black hair in a high ponytail. I am wearing black heels that made me look taller, considering I'm only 5'2 I need all the help I can get in that department. The dress showed off the tattoo on my collarbone. The tattoo is angel wings. The wings are a huge contrast to my other tattoo. A snake behind my ear. I throw the boys a wink and walk away.

I go to the bar and order whiskey again. The next thing I know I have had five too many drinks and these big men are approaching me. Fucking hell, what did I do this time?

"Are you Eve?" The guy in the middle of three asks me. He looks like he could be a sumo wrestler. He has black hair and the other two guys have dark brown hair. I wonder how he fit through the door?

"Depends, whos asking boys?" I try my best to mask my fear.

"The American Mafia is, it appears you have angered our second in command."

Oh fuck, I really messed up this time didn't I.

"Well, he is the one who tried to drug me," I say trying to sound super unbothered by them but in reality, my heart is beating so loud I swear they can hear it.

"You're going to have to come with me, pretty lady,"

"What is it with guys calling me that, come one call me something more original."

"Okay whore," the guy says.

"Technically that isn't original either. I've been called that too."

Before I can say or do anything else they drag me out of the place and my drunk ass could barely walk let alone run away. They shove me in a car and then put something that smelled awful under my nose. After about two seconds I pass out. From the alcohol or from the weird toxin they put under my nose? I don't know.

I woke up on a cold cement floor, so much like last time. Only this time I wasn't in a whore house. I was in a cell. My whole body hurts like someone dropped me off a cliff and brought me back to life and then broke every bone in my body. What the hell happened?

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