Chapter 6

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I wake up in the same room and in the same clothes as the last time I was here. All the memories wouldn't leave my mind. I look around the room at the other girls, that's when I see her, "Maya!" I smiled, I actually smiled in this hell hole. I smiled bigger than I have in a while seeing that she is still alive and wasn't killed.

"Eve? Eve! Is it really you? I am so happy to see you! Well like not in here, I am not happy to see you in here but I am happy to know you are alive." oh how I missed Maya and her rambling. The last time I was in the whore house I became friends with everyone but I got extra close with Maya.

"I thought you would be dead by now. I am so happy you are alive." We hug each other in a tight embrace.

"How did they get you?" Maya asks. She was supposed to escape with me. We had it all planned out, but when it came time to do it Maya was called in for a dance. We made a pact beforehand that if that happened the other person would still escape. I felt horrible but we both agreed.

"I don't know how they found me but when they did I was drunk as fuck," I laugh a little. All the other girls were confused about why we were laughing when we are in a whore house. "I am so sorry for leaving you."

"Don't be. We made a pact. I am glad you stuck to it even though you just ended up back here." she says with a huge smile on her face. As I looked at her face I saw the dark circles under her eyes and how skinny she now looked. We sat down next to each other, her head on my shoulder. I knew what was going to come later, but for now, I would enjoy being with my one and only true friend.


The happy moment came to an end when He walked in. I sighed as He looked at me. I noticed a scar on His cheek.

"What happened to him?" I ask Maya.

"Well let's just say, don't mess with me. I can get a little feisty," Maya shrugs.

"Atta girl," I smile, proud of my best friend.

"Shut up you two." I hear his voice and it instantly brought back even more memories of dark rooms, broken bones, and nightmares that will never go away, "Eve, glad to have you back. Now come with me. You know what happens to girls who don't listen," He says in a disgusting perverted voice.

"Okay, Scarface. How did you let a girl do that to you? You must be pretty weak. Are you okay if I call you Scarface from now on?"

"No, don't ca-" I cut him off.

"Okay perfect. Oh! I can call you Scar for short! Thanks, Scar." I think I like to mask my fear with humor. That is probably not a good thing to do with members of mafias though. They think they are so big and tough and can't take a joke. He was dragging me by my elbow, his nails were digging into my skin. I was having so many flashbacks but I will not scream. I will not cry. And I will certainly not beg.

"Get in there," He throws me into the room, "You little bitch escaped and now you face the consequences," He starts yelling at me. I don't understand what He was saying I am just trying my best to not freak out. I don't even flinch when he gets all up in my personal space bubble.

As He is yelling at me I notice the door open a little bit.

"Now, if you try that stunt again, I will personally kill every single member of your family." I laugh at that.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" I ask Him. His face got so red that He looks like he is going to kill me. Oh shit, He is going to kill me. I see Him pull out His gun, I hear the click and then he shoots me.

A burning feeling erupted in my arm. My entire arm was screaming in pain and so am I. More bullets rang out but I am not able to tell what is happening. My ears are ringing and my vision is going blurry. Darkness was pulling me under but I tried my best to fight it.

"Eve? Eve, please stay awake!" I hear someone begging but I don't know who.

I tried, I really tried, but I eventually gave in to the darkness letting it pull me into a black world of nothingness.

Matteo's POV:

We waste no time. I have fifty men stay outside, one hundred men infiltrate their main compound while the rest of us go to the whore house. I lead the group in. I have the fifty of us split up and go through all the entrances.

I walk silently down a hallway when I hear yelling, "Now, if you try to pull a stunt like that again I will personally kill every member of your family," I hear a male voice say.

Someone laughs. "Is that supposed to mean something to me?" I hear a girl ask in response. I peek in the room to see if the girl is Eve. I didn't get a good look at her when she saved me but I saw a picture Lorenzo found of her. When I look in the room I see her. Eves black hair and unmistakable bright blue eyes. If you just glanced at her you would think she was unbothered by the gun being pointed at her but I looked closely and could see the fear in her eyes. I stepped in to shoot the guy in the room but I was too late. He shot Eve and not a second after I shoot him.

I run over to Eve and put pressure on her arm. She needs to stay alive so we can figure out what information she gave to the Russians.

A girl comes running in dressed in slutty clothes, that match Eves, screaming, "Eve? Eve please stay awake!" she starts sobbing.

"Who are you?" I ask her as I shove her out of the way.

"I a-am Maya. Eve is m-my best friend please save her. P-please get us out of here," I don't know why but I agree, it's just another person I will have to kill later. I take Maya and Eve and get them in the Rolls Royce. I am going to have to buy a new one now that this bitch is getting her blood all over the seats. I rush her to the compound's hospital. I wait in the lobby of the hospital for the doctor to give me an update.

Eventually, I got too impatient, I grab the nurse walking by her arm and yell at her, "Where the hell is the doctor that is supposed to be helping Eve?"

"Dr. Carter is currently working on stitching up Eve now," She says with the fear evident in her eyes but not her voice.

"What room?"

"Sir, you can't go visit her-"

"What room?" I ask more firmly than the first time and tightening my grip on her arm.

"Room 213, Sir," she winces in pain right before I let go.

Eves POV:

I open my eyes and blink a couple of times. I look around and see I am in a hospital bed. To my left, there is a doctor stitching up my arm and to my right, Maya is asleep holding my hand, "Maya?" I try to say but my voice comes out as barely even a whisper.

She sits up, now suddenly awake, "Eve? Are you awake?" I look at Maya and smile. We made it out, "Oh my god! Eve! We made it!"

"Yes. We made it." I go to hug her forgetting about my arm. I immediately hiss in pain.

"Don't move I am trying to stitch you up as quickly as I can," the doctor says.

"Why are you trying to go quickly?" I ask.

"Because-" he gets cut off by someone bathing into the room.

"Where is she?" the person who barged in looks right at me, "You! What did you tell them? What did you tell the Russians?" he yells this at me while pointing his gun at me. The person who walks in is no other than the most feared mafia man in the world and if I get my stuff right he should be Don by now. My hands visibly shake at the sight of him.

"That's why," the doctor mutters under his breath.

"I-I didn't tell them anything. I swear. I don't even know who you are!" I try my best to be as loud as I can but only a harsh whisper came out.

"You know damn well who I am! I am Matteo," as I looked at him I realized that it was in fact Matteo, the guy I saved at the American compound. He looked even better now. His white shirt and black pants. His face was also not swollen anymore and damn he looks so hot. Too bad he is trying to kill me. Well, this is quite the thank you. Who knew I would save the most feared mafia boss.

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