Chapter 4

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I wake up on a cold cement floor, so much like the last time. Only this time I am not in a whore house. I am in a cell. My whole body hurts. What the hell happened?

I am in cold chains on the ground. The chains are wrapped around my ankles but not my wrists. Whoever these kidnappers are, they aren't good at what they do. I already know how to get out.

I look around for the person that is supposed to torture me or ask me questions but I don't see anyone. After a little while, nothing happens and I get bored.

"All by myself
I am here again
All by myself
You know I'll never change
All by myself
All by myself" I start singing Drunk by Ed Sheeren because that song was really speaking to me at the moment.

"I told you I won't give up any information," someone in a cell next to mine says. As I look at him I see his defined jawline and black hair. His eyes are swollen shut and his lips all busted and bloody. I didn't realize he was here until now. I guess I'm not so alone. Damn it now what song do I sing?

He must have been interrogated and tortured pretty badly because he was beaten up and said he wasn't gonna give up information. Look at me connecting the dots. He probably thinks I am someone asking for information. Is my singing that bad that I sound like a man?

"Even though I am single, I don't want your information. I do however want to know where we are."

"You're in the American Mafias compound. Get comfortable you'll be here a while." it was hard to make out what he said because his lips were all busted but I managed.

I look around before responding, "Oh please I have gotten out of a much worse and more secure place than this before."

I look at the guy and see the chains around his legs and arms that hold him to the chair.

"What's your name?" I ask as I slide my hands out of the chains I am in. If you're gonna kidnap me, at least make it hard to escape.

"Matteo," he says so it's barely audible.

I get out of all my chains, pull a bobby pin out of my hair, and pick the lock. Next, I go to Matteo's cell and pick his lock. I could easily escape now but I couldn't just leave him here like this. I know what it's like to be held prisoner.

"Well Matteo, " I say as I unchain him, "My name is Eve, and we are getting out of here."

When I get all the chains off of him, he immediately falls forward into my stomach. He is beaten to the pulp. I catch him before he hits the ground.

"Alright big guy. Help me out, you're probably a foot taller than me and I am wearing heels I can't exactly carry you by myself." This dude is a fucking giant.

"Why are you..." he trails off as I basically carry him to the window that is on the opposite side of the room. I feel like the Hulk right now carrying him.

I have one of his arms slung over my shoulder and my hands wrapped around his waist. He did not look this heavy.

I sit him down so he is leaning against the wall as I pry open the window. I look out and see we are on the first floor. That's good I did not want to have to jump and I don't think he could survive a fall.

There were guards all over the compound outside. They patrol the edge of the woods that is about thirty yards away. I have to create a distraction. I look around and see an alarm on the door.

"Alright Matteo, I am going to set you outside. Don't do anything until I get outside okay?" Not like he can he's basically dead meat.

I lift him up, kind of. It took so much effort to lift his upper body so he was sitting on the window sill and then push him out of the window. I hear a thump when he hits the ground, I look out the window and down at him and see him crumpled up in a fetal position. It takes everything in me not to burst out laughing at him. That wouldn't be fair though he has been tortured...okay it's still funny. Hopefully, that woke him up and didn't completely kill him.

I walk over to the door of the prison cell looking room and open it. The alarm went off and I run out to the window. Before I climb out of the window I make sure all the guards are leaving their spots to head inside and they are.

When I am out of the window I pick up Matteo who is a little more awake now and run. Well, it is more of a granny walk pace. This slow mother fucker is gonna get us caught.

"Alright big guy, move your legs a little faster."

Finally, we get to the woods. We still have to keep moving because they are probably in our cells now realizing we are gone.

I look around for somewhere to hide. My first plan is to climb a tree but then I realize I am not strong enough to carry him up the tree. Looking around the woods I see an underground bunker and decide that it will have to do. I quickly get us in the bunker right as I see the American Mafia guys start coming our way. They didn't spot us though. I close the door to the bunker quietly after trying my best to cover it with leaves and shit.

"Matteo?" I call out in the dark bunker. I pat myself down trying to see if they took my phone. Haha bitches they didn't. Dumb mother fuckers. I turn on the flashlight to find a light to turn on. There are no lights just candles and matches. I light a couple and leave my flashlight on.

"Call my boss" Matteo mutters and groans from the corner of the room. His eyes are now barely open and I can see that he has cold green eyes. He's honestly really hot.

"How do I do that?" I ask but his eyes are already shut again. I search through his pockets and find his phone. They seriously didn't even take this guy's phone either? Dumbasses. I open it and call his boss. I don't know what the hell his boss can do but I'll listen I guess.

A deep male voice that sounds super concerned picks up on the first ring, "Matteo? Are you okay? You went off the grid and we have been searching for you for the past week! Where are you?" He shouts into the phone.

"Um, hi my name is Eve and I just saved your friend Matteo's ass. Actually not just his ass, I saved his life. We are now stuck in a bunker and he said I should call you. But I will just hang up if you are going to yell."

"What the fuck did you do to him? Whoever you are we will kill you! You are messing with the fucking Italian Mafia!" The man continues to shout.

"Alright I was going to save him but now I change my mind. I'm going to hang up now-"

"Good! We will find him either way you bitch!"

The fuck did he just call me? "Okay, Mr. I-think-I'm-so-scary. I just saved your beloved Matteo's life. I am not the one who kidnapped him and put him in a cell. That was the American Mafia. We are currently hidden in an underground bunker hiding from them. Guess who got us out of the cells and into this bunker? Me, I did that. So I suggest you come save us with your all-so-powerful Italian Mafia or I will leave Matteo unconscious in the bunker and leave it open for the American Mafia to find. I am sure this time they won't be so nice to leave him alive."

There is a moment of silence after I said that, "Okay, we are sending our men now. We won't be able to get there right away because we only have 500 men in America now but in two hours we will have 1000 men there to get you guys out."

"I don't think you'll need that many. I am a 21-year-old, 115 pound, girl and I escaped with ease. But if you want to risk his life even more, by all means, take all the time in the world. He might bleed out by the time you get here." I looked over at the unconscious stranger I now know as Matteo. He has his head leaning against the wall and his body is slumped. Even unconscious and beat up into mush he is still attractive. Damn. Couldn't be me.

After a little while, I hear the bunker start to open. I start to freak out a little bit (ok maybe more than a little bit). If it's the American Mafia I am screwed.

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