Chapter 10

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"W-what are you going to do?" I ask wondering if now that Matteo knows that the Russians are after me, he will kick me out or worse hand me over to them.

Matteo sighs, "Now, we go to a safe house and notify all members to be ready for an attack on our bases." This time, I am the one who sighs. I was scared he was gonna kick me out but thankfully he hasn't yet, "Pack up we leave for Aunt Lucia's house in an hour."

"Aunt Lucias? Do we have to go there?" Rosina asks Matteo clearly unhappy with the fact we are going to their Aunt's house.

"Yes, end of discussion." Matteo walks out of the room after that.

Rosina stands up and goes into my closet to pack my clothes. We didn't even have to say anything to understand that she will hold up a piece of clothing and I will nod my head yes or no.

Once we finished packing my stuff we went to pack Rosina's stuff. I have finally calmed down and stopped crying, "Thank you, Rose, it means a lot that you were there for me," Rosina looks shocked and like she might cry when I said that, "Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?"

"N-no it's just that," she pauses and takes a deep breath, "my mom used to call me that before she... passed away."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can call you Rosina if you don't like Rose," I offer.

"No it's fine," she says and starts to smile, "I like that someone calls me that again."

I smile at her and then hug her. I am normally a person who chooses violence over compassion and I normally hate hugs, but after Rose helped me earlier when I was crying, I feel the least I can do is hug her.

I hear someone clear their throat in the doorway. We both turn and see Matteo standing there, I don't know how long but he clearly saw us hugging, "We are leaving now. Are you both ready?"

I look at Rose and she looks at me and we both nod our head yes. I have had a total of three people I have ever called my 'friend'. The first one drugged me which led to me being kidnapped by a mafia, the second one used me to get her into a club for her birthday and then ditched me to grind on some guys, and the third one gave up information about me to the Russian Mafia and tricked me into thinking we were friends. I feel like I should have learned by now not to trust anyone anymore but with Rose, I let my guard down again. Let's hope I don't get stabbed in the back again.

As I am thinking I realize I need to get back to my old self, but not too old. I definitely do not want to be old Genevieve. That would be embarrassing. But I need to get back to the Eve that has a comeback for everything.

Matteo walks us to the car. I know mafias are supposed to be rich and all but when he walks us out to a matte black 2014 Lamborghini Aventador, AKA my dream car, I died a little on the inside.

"Oh my god, is that a 2014 Lamborghini Aventador?" I say as I run over to the car.

"Yes but do not touch it or I will cut off your hand," Matteo says dead serious. I don't blame him if I owned this car I wouldn't let anyone go near it either.

"Holy shit this is my dream car!" I hear Matteo chuckle behind me. He has one sexy ass chuckle. Never in my life did I think a chuckle
could turn me on. Yep, Eve Black is definitely back. That rhymed.

We all get in the car. Matteo drives, I sit shotgun, and Rose sits in the back seat, "I call aux!" Rose calls from the back.

I never know what to expect when someone calls aux but when Rose turned on One Direction I just knew we are going to be best friends. Hopefully fourth times the charm.

I turn and look at her with a mischievous grin on my face, she smiles back at me and we both know what about to go down.

"I figured it out, I figured it out from black and white," I start singing the song.

"Seconds and hours, maybe they had to take some time," Rose continues it as we keep going back and forth.

At the chorus we both sing, "You and I, not even the gods above could separate the two of us," I look at Matteo who is suppressing a grin, "no nothing can come between you and I."

Rose and I sung for most of the car ride until I fell asleep while looking at the view outside of the window.

Matteo's POV:
(a little while earlier)

I went to go see if Rosina and Eve were ready to go. I feel bad for making Rosina go to Aunt Lucia's house. I know she always makes it seem like our mom's death was Rosina's fault when it wasn't, but it is my only option.

I go to walk into the room when I hear Eve say, "Thank you, Rose, it means a lot that you were there for me." I stop walking as I remember our mother's last words.

"I love you, Matteo, I know you will be a strong, amazing, leader for this mafia when the time comes. And Rose, oh you will always be my little flower. I love you two, stay strong. I will be watching over you in heaven."

Our mom was the only person to ever call Rosina 'Rose'. I miss part of their conversation but when I walk into the room I see them hugging. I smile a little to myself. I am happy that my sister finally has another girl in the house, even if that girl was forced to be here and is a huge pain in the ass.

I clear my throat to get their attention, "We are leaving now. Are you guys both ready?" They look at each other and then nod their heads.

When we walk out to the car Eve flips out, "Is that a matte black 2014 Lamborghini Aventador?"

I am impressed she knows what car it is, "Yes but don't touch it or I will cut your hand off." She admires the car before finally getting in.

Rosina takes the aux cord and starts playing One Direction. She plays this same stupid boy band all the time. When the song starts playing Eve sings along, and then so Rosina. I soon realize that they are singing a duet together. I did my best to suppress a grin but I couldn't help it. This is the first time I have seen Rosina truly happy in a while.

Eventually, they stop singing and just admire the view. When we get to the airport Eve is asleep in the passenger seat. I pick her up and carry her bridal style to the plane. As I look at her I notice a snake tattoo behind her ear and angel wings on her collar bone. She may be naive and annoying but I can tell there is a lot more to her. When we looked her up in the database we could not find anything on her from before her 18th birthday which is odd. That doesn't change the fact that she is only here to give us information on the Russian Mafia.

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