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"Where are you off to?"

I look up at my brother as I tug my shoe on. "Meeting up with Kyle and Alex," I say as I tie my laces. "Texted them last night and we made plans."

Winston hums, watching me from where he leans against the wall. "I can drive you," he offers, moving to put his shoes on as well.


I head out to the car, Winston following close behind. I give him directions to our meeting place and he nods, turning the radio on to fill the silence.

After explaining to Kyle and Alex that I was in Vancouver for the week, they offered to meet me halfway so I wouldn't be stuck on a bus for two hours. And now that Winston is driving me, my trip will be even shorter.

Before Tammy left last night, she told me that I should text my friends and clear the air before I went to see Jordan. She thinks it'll help to have everything else out of the way when Jordan and I have our much needed conversation. I agreed and texted them, asking if they would meet me. Luckily it didn't take much convincing, and our plans were set within a half hour.

My stomach is in knots as the car moves along the highway, bringing me closer and closer to the people I swore to avoid. I've been practicing all morning what I would say to them, but now the words seem to be escaping my grasp, one by one. There's a very good chance that I'll sound like an idiot, but that's a chance I'm going to have to take.

About a half hour later, we pull into the parking lot of some random diner. I don't see my friends anywhere, so I wait it out in the car for a few minutes. I am early after all.

"So," Winston says, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. "What are you gonna say to them?"

"I'm gonna apologize," I say. "And then I'm gonna tell them why I was upset and see if they still wanna be friends or not. Then, I guess we go from there."

Winston nods. "They should apologize too."

"Yeah, they should," I agree. "But I can't force them."

"I can't believe I inspired you this much with my brotherly skills." Winston chuckles. "You better give me one hell of a Christmas present."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, keep dreaming."

Five minutes later, a silver car pulls into the parking lot and parks a few spaces away from us. I recognize Kyle's mop of blond hair instantly and reach for the door handle.

I turn to Winston and frown. "Are you staying here? You want me to get you something?"

Winston shakes his head. "Thanks, but I'm just gonna go get a coffee while you have your little gang meeting."


Winston and I head in opposite directions—me toward Kyle and Alex, him to the coffee shop. The nerves only increase with every step I take away from the car. Alex notices me first, giving me a timid smile.

"Hey, Carter," Alex says, her voice as cheery as can be. Even when she's nervous, she still puts on a happy face.

"Hey." I scratch my neck nervously, feeling the tension weigh me down like a blanket. "You wanna head in?"

"Sure, sure." Alex nods, pulling on Kyle's wrist. Kyle follows her mindlessly, not saying anything to me.

It's beginning to seem like Alex is the only reason Kyle is even here. My heart sinks at the thought that he might really want to give up on our friendship.

A bell rings as we push the door open, signalling our presence. A waitress cleaning a table tells us to sit anywhere and that she'll be with us in a moment. We choose a booth near the back, Kyle and Alex sitting next to each other and me across from them.

The Summer at CamazotzWhere stories live. Discover now