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The tour goes better than I was expecting.

By the time the other two cabins come out and join Wolf Cabin and Grizzly Cabin, Mikayla and Caleb had arrived and were ready to lead the tour. They show us around the area, pointing out each building and telling us what they're used for. We pass by the main lodge and dining hall as the group ventures farther into the forest. We pass the archery range and a closed off section for predator and prey. As we continue down the path we eventually come to the campfire site: a pit surrounded by logs in a large clearing. The reasoning for its placement is due to the fact that scary stories supposedly become much scarier with all of the empty space.

During the tour, Jordan and I hang back to watch the group from behind while Astrid and Tammy walk up front with Mikayla and Caleb. I hadn't been too eager on any other interactions and was relieved when Jordan asked if I wanted to walk with him at the back. I don't pay too much attention during the tour, focusing on my conversation with Jordan instead. I'm not too worried since I know it will take time for everyone to grow familiar with the place.

When Mikayla and Caleb are done showing us around, they bring the groups back to the cabins. It's a bit after five and time to get ready for dinner. I wave a "see you later" to Jordan and march up the steps to Wolf Cabin, my campers in tow.

I open the door and the boys hurry through the doorway, heading to different parts of the cabin to clean up for dinner. Some run into the bathroom, determined to get first dibs on whatever they need while others either flop onto their beds or rummage through their drawers to find another pair of clothes.

I make my way to the back of the cabin where my room is. I leave the door slightly ajar so that the campers can come in without worry if they need to. I check myself out in the bathroom mirror, my eyes scanning over my appearance after the long day that has still yet to come to an end. My curly hair doesn't look much different as it never does unless it's wet. My face has a soft red tint to it from the time spent under the sun. My white tee has surprisingly stayed clean so far, though I won't be surprised if it ends up a mess by the end of the night. I can't see them in the mirror, but I know my black checkered shorts are fairly clean and there is no need for them to be changed. Caleb had mentioned to Jordan and I that the other staff members rarely change for dinner since it's almost always ridiculously humid and there is still a good chance of dirtying themselves all over again.

I walk out of the bathroom and glance around the room for my duffel bag. I spot it by the dresser and grab it. I dig through the bag, searching for my toiletry bag. After making a much bigger mess of my luggage, I finally spot the blue bag and grab it. I pull out my toothbrush and head back to the bathroom.

As I brush my teeth, I think about my family back home. I wonder if Winston misses me at all. I'm not holding my breath or anything, but a part of me hopes that my brother does feel lonely without me, even if it's just a little bit. I know my parents would start missing me instantly; Mom alone had barely let me leave to board the bus. I'm doing fine so far on my own, but it is still only the first day out of a whole month. I'm not embarrassed of missing my family—I would never be—but admitting it is a different story. Admitting it makes it real and once it feels real, then who knows how long it will hurt.

I finish up in the bathroom and head back out to the campers. Most of them are sitting on their beds, conversing with one another. A few—I still don't know their names—are in the bathroom cleaning up for dinner.

"Carter! Can we go to dinner now?" a boy with long blond hair looks over at me from his bed in the corner.

"Sorry, um. . ."

"Isaac," the boy responds.

"Isaac," I echo. "Sorry. We've got to wait till everyone in here is ready and then for the other cabins."

The Summer at CamazotzWhere stories live. Discover now