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The one and only reason I prefer to play predator and prey with Grizzly Cabin over Coyote Cabin is that Jordan won't try to embarrass me by making bets with me on who will win. Instead, he likes to tell me that he's going to make sure he scares me at least once and then disappears into the woods.

It's not much better, but Tammy takes the game to a whole other level.

So far I've gotten three kids out and there's been no sign of Jordan since the game has started.

As I move through the woods, I jump at just about every sound I hear; birds flying out from trees, sticks crunching underfoot, kids running somewhere nearby. If Jordan at least wants the satisfaction of seeing me paranoid, he'll definitely get that at least.

I quicken my pace to a fast walk and weave my way through the trees in search of any hidden campers. The air has stilled again and everything is a bit too quiet for my liking. In a strange turn of events, I feel as though I've become the prey instead of predator.

I'm so getting back at Jordan for this.

I come to a stop by the fenced off area and put my hands on my hips. Under the trees, I'm protected from the blazing sun that decided to make an appearance today. While the last few days have been relatively typical BC weather, it's decided to jump a few degrees today. I'd much rather be swimming in a pool back home right now, but that won't happen for another two weeks, if I've got my dates right.

I stretch out my back and stand up tall, scanning my surroundings. The sound of movement from my right grabs my attention and as I turn my head, I yelp at the sight of Jordan who has materialized next to me.

"Are you kidding me?"

He chuckles at my reaction and wipes the stray cuttings from the bush off his shorts. "I told you I'd get you."

"You didn't scare me," I lie.

"What was that noise, then?" Jordan's lips kick up into that unmistakable smile as he crosses his arms over his chest.

My face flushes pink and I avoid his gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I actually scared you." Jordan laughs. "God, you should've seen your face."

As he laughs, I take the opportunity to look him over. His hair is messy from the day's activities. He's dressed in his usual khaki shorts and white shoesㅡI still don't understand why he insists on wearing white shoes at an outdoors camp. His red shirt is loose on his frame, which I actually prefer. There's a visible patch of skin above his waist from where his shirt has lifted up, revealing his light skin. There are a few scratches on his arms from passing by so many trees and sweat glistens on his face. Jordan would say that he looks dirty or bad, but there's something oddly attractive about him not being all fresh and clean. Of course he'd still smell and look great after a shower, but that isn't the point.

The discovery that Jordan and I have feelings that run much deeper than surface level is still very new in my mind. There are moments where I'm unsure of what to say or how to act around him after our late night confession. I don't like that I don't know what to do anymore, as if Jordan is a completely new person. He, however, seems perfectly at ease. It's as if revealing his secret has taken away any nerves or paranoia he might have had before. I'm not as cool and collected as Jordan is, but I wish I was.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jordan is no longer laughing, only a trace of a small smile left.

"Oh, uh, yeah," I say. "Justㅡ"

"Admiring the view?"

"You wish." Just like that, the tension is gone and now I'm smiling too.

Jordan moves to my side and slings an around my shoulder. He starts walking away from the fence and I move with him. To anyone else, we might look like two friends forgetting about what we're supposed to be doing. I doubt anyone would think otherwise, and I hope they don't.

The Summer at CamazotzWhere stories live. Discover now