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The first movie night of the summer is tonight and it's bittersweet for me.

The last time I watched a movie with friends was just a month ago and it didn't exactly go as I had hoped it would. I never told anyone, but it's definitely one of the main reasons as to why I was in urgent need of a getaway this summer.

On the other hand, I love movie nights and tonight can replace the bad memory with a good one. I didn't come here this summer to sit around and think about the past or what I'd eventually have to go home to. But no matter how hard I try, I keep going back to that night.

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one month ago

I'm about to head out to meet my friends when my phone goes off. I look down to see a text from Alex.

Sorry again about missing the hangout tonight.
Hopefully next time!! <3

"Yeah, that's what you said the last time too," I mumble to myself.

This is the third time Alex and Kyle have cancelled or been unavailable for a squad hangout. I'm not mad. They have lives and won't always be available. But it's the same excuses all the time.

Sorry about cancelling. I'm just too busy with homework. I already have plans :( !! And my personal favourite: Next time for sure!!

Don't get me wrong, my friends are great and if they can't hang out I understand, but to do it consistently and the same two? It all feels a bit off to me.

Ruth told me that I was overthinking it and Jason said it's probably nothing. I'm not sure what Patrick thinks, but I'm almost positive that he was beginning to suspect something is up too.

The sound of the doorbell brings me back to earth. I rush downstairs and out the door to a waiting Patrick, yelling goodbye to my parents on the way.

I tell Patrick about the text in the car, but he barely reacts. He just nods and we don't talk about it for the whole ride.

We meet up with Ruth and Jason at the theatre. They're already in line for tickets, so we sneak past a couple people and stand with them. I don't usually skip lines, but if I have to listen to Patrick complain about how much extra time could be saved by skipping, I'll lose it.

Once we each buy our tickets, we move on to the snack line. Ruth casually brings up the Alex and Kyle situation and the four of us each take stabs at what we think the real reasoning behind their cancelling is.

"Maybe they just realized that they both like each other and are trying the whole dating thing," Patrick says, taking his change from the cashier.

Ruth scoffs. "'The whole dating thing'?"

Patrick steps out of line with his popcorn as Jason goes up for his. "Yeah. Look, I've never dated anyone so as a pure soul the term works for me."

I narrow my eyes and laugh. "Dude, what?"

Ruth reaches for the popcorn, but misses as Patrick pulls away. "Oh no you don't. Your popcorn buddy is Jason, not me."

"Maybe you should try the whole dating thing. It might teach you how to share with someone who isn't Carter."

Patrick makes a disgusted face and steps closer to me. "Why would I ever want to share with anyone other than Carter?"

Shaking my head, I say, "You know I was gonna help you out Ruth, but that was just cruel."

"Oh my God, you guys should just date each other at this point."

Jason leaves the line with his own bag of popcorn and joins us by the tables. "Did I just hear that Carter and Patrick are gonna date? You know I'll be your biggest supporter."

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