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"Sir, the patient is waking up."
Ayyan heard a female unfamiliar voice.

"Let me check."
This time it was a male voice. Ayyan could feel a hand around his right wrist.

He tried to open his eyes. He could feel something was tied around his forehead. His head was aching.

"Mr. Ayyan! Can you hear me?"
The same male voice was heard.

"Don't move. You'll feel more pain. Try to open your eyes slowly."
The male voice instructed.

Despite the pain, he tried to open his eyes. At first, everything was a blur. After blinking for a few times the images started to become clear. 

Two faces were staring at him.

"How are you feeling now?
The male voice asked.

"Where am I?
He asked, looking around.

"You're in the hospital. Your family is waiting outside."
The doctor informed.

Then it clicked… his car… brake failed…
Another car coming from the opposite side… crashing on the wall… and the accident.

"How are you feeling? Any pain?"
The doctor repeated.

"My head… it's paining."

"I have already injected the painkiller. The pain will subside gradually."

The doctor said then looking at the nurse instructed,
"Go and inform his family. They can meet him now."

Nodding the nurse went out.


Reeha, Mr. Ahmed, Rayyan, Zafar, and Mr. Malik were waiting outside. After the accident, some passersby got Ayyan admitted to the nearby hospital. Getting the news Rayyan informed Reeha. And now here they were waiting outside Ayyan's cabin.

Seeing the nurse, Rayyan immediately went towards her.

"How's my brother? Is he alright?"

"The patient has gained consciousness. You can go and meet-"

Before the nurse could complete, Reeha ran inside the room to see Ayyan's right wrist was plastered and there was a bandage tied upon his head.

Walking towards him, Reeha sat on the nearby chair. Her baby blue eyes glistened with tears.

"I thought you were dead."
Reeha said, sniffing.

"I also thought I died."

Reeha started tearing up.
"I thought I'll never be able to see you again."

"I'm alive, Reeha. Sitting in front of you. I'm fine. Don't cry."
Ayyan forwards his right hand to wipe off her tears only to wince.

"Careful. Don't move your hand."

A throat clearing was heard.

"If your little romance is done, then can we also meet him."
Rayyan said teasingly.

Reeha's cheeks warmed up at his words whereas Ayyan glared at him.

"Seeing you glaring at me so lovingly, it seems like you are fine."
Rayyan said sarcastically. 

"What did the doctor say?"

Mr. Malik asked Zafar who entered the cabin after consulting with the doctor. 

"Fortunately, there is no internal injury. Just a fracture in the right wrist and some scratches. He might have to stay for a few days under observation. If everything is alright then he might be discharged within 2 to 3 days. But a complete full week bed rest is needed."
Zafar informed.

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