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"Wait." Reeha stopped Ravi. All looked at her questionably.
"Before sending it to the prosecutor, I would like to have a copy of it. It's not like I don't trust you," Reeha quickly said thinking Ravi might be offended,
"It's just that we have been fooled in the past regarding this case and this time I don't want to do any mistakes." Reeha finished elaborating.

"Okay. A copy will be sent to you." Ravi agreed.

"Thanks. Then I will be going."  Reeha exited.


The Next Day (Final Hearing)

Everything was planned. In the court, at first, the evidence will be submitted. And then Fawad will be released. The case will be closed. If things go just the way it is planned then-new case will be opened with a new light.

Malik's  family first reached the court. Everything was going smoothly until Ravi called.

"Ayyan, there's a problem." Ravi's nervous voice came.

"What happened?" Ayyan asked in a worried tone.

"The footage…  it's gone."

"What are you saying? It was yesterday then how the hell can it be gone?" Ayyan semi-yelled.

"Meet me outside the court."

Going outside the court, Ayyan started shooting the questions.
"What does it mean? How can the footage disappear?"

"I, myself, handed over the footage to the prosecutor but now they are saying it's gone. And the worst part is there is no witness nor any written evidence to say that we had any footage. The prosecutor was supposed to write it. They are denying the whole thing"

"What will we do now? The case will start in 45 minutes." Ayyan said finding no other way.

"I think there is a way." Ayyan looked at him expectedly. "Reeha… she took a copy of the footage. I'm going to meet the prosecutor so I don't have time. You tell her to bring it."

Ayyan immediately called Reeha. After the second ring, she received it.


"Reeha, the footage… you have a copy of it, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Bring it with you in the court."

"Now? We already came half the way. Don't they have the real one?"

"No. Listen. Bring it at any cost. I'll describe what happened later."

"Uh… ok." Reeha confusedly said while hanging up.

"What happened?" Mr. Ahmed asked his daughter.

"I left something in the house. Please stop the car." Reeha said to the driver.

"Reeha, we have almost reached. What have you left?" Mrs. Ahmed asked.

"Mumma, it's important. I'll have to go."

"Then let me come with you." Mr. Ahmed said.

"No, you guys go ahead. Anyways, papa, the lawyer must be waiting for you. I can go by myself."


"Don't worry. Uncle, please drop them safely."


"Shoot! Where the hell did she keep the footage?" Reeha was cursing herself for her forgetful mind. For the last 5 minutes, she is searching for it but Allah knows where it is. Her mobile rang.

Ayyan calling.

"Yeah, Ayyan?"

"I sent bhai to pick you up. So come with him."

And then she found it. At last. Just then the bell rang.

Opening the door, she saw Rayyan standing there.
"Did you get the footage?"


"Let's go."
Rayyan started to walk ahead. Reeha was behind him when something hit on her head. And the rest is blank.


Ayyan's phone vibrated indicating a message. Opening it he saw a picture.

A senseless Reeha and Rayyan tied in a chair.

And then a message came.

"Want them safe? Then let the case proceed."


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