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A long chapter waiting ahead. Hope you will like the chapter.


Reeha was sitting in front of the mirror. Her cousins and friends were helping her in getting ready... helping in getting ready as a bride. Yes. It was her wedding day. A lot of things happened in these 2 weeks. Because of that stupid press, everything was happening too fast.

She wanted to enjoy every phase of her marriage but here her engagement was already done in a blink of an eye. Honestly, in all this she didn't feel anything... no nervous breakdown... no giddiness... nothing until now. Sitting here, in front of the mirror, is what made her realize the reality. She, indeed, is getting married. Her friends and cousins were continuously teasing her and why won't they. After all, except her and Ayyan's family, none knew the real reason behind the marriage. While all were teasing her, she was sitting blankly, not caring to listen to them. She couldn't help but remember the things that happened in these 2 weeks.



"Uncle, Aunty... With your permissions... and of course with Reeha's consent... I would like to marry your daughter." Ayyan said directly looking at Mr. And Mrs. Ahmed.

"Are you out of your mind? Did you hit your head while coming here?" Mr. Ahmed said furiously. "What type of nonsense are you spitting?"

Sensing the situation, Mr. Malik stepped in, "I know it's natural to be angry but at least let him explain."

"I get that he is young so he's saying this in a fit of the moment but what about you? I didn't expect you to support your son in this madness." Mrs. Ahmed said indicating Mr. Malik.

"Aunty, your reactions are justified but at least listen to Ayyan. Let him explain. It might sound abstract but hear him out."
Rayyan said softly. Seeing no change, Myra added,
"But the last decision will be yours of course. Just hear him out. You don't need to agree with it.

Mr. Ahmed nodded giving Ayyan a chance to explain. Then Ayyan started explaining. After hearing his plan, Mr. Ahmed was the first one to say. This time not as furiously as before.

"If we do the way you said maybe we will be able to get rid of the scandal but son, just to save our reputation we can't sacrifice our daughter. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, uncle. I didn't expect you to agree with me. But before leaving can I talk with Reeha?" Ayyan requested.

"What's the need? We won't approve your suggestion." Rawa Ahmed said this time a little coldly. Mrs. Ahmed holds his hand.
" Let him at least meet Reeha."

"But Shaina-"

Without giving any chance to speak Mrs. Ahmed lead the way.
"Come here. This way."


Reeha was sitting by the side of the window gloomily. Before opening the door, Mrs. Ahmed knocked. Clearing her face from tears, she answered her mother thinking she came to pester her about dinner.

"Mumma, I'm not hungry."

"Someone wants to meet you."

"Who?" Confusing lacing in her question.

Behind Mrs. Ahmed, Ayyan sided his head a little and greet her.

"You guys talk. I'll be outside."
Saying Mrs. Ahmed left the room.

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