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After spending 3 hours straight in the kitchen, Reeha, at last, was able to cook perfect Haleem without anyone's help. She was pleased with the way it turned out.

Mrs. Malik entered the kitchen smelling the delicious aroma. 

"Mom! At last, I made it."
Reeha said with enthusiasm.

"Not bad. You have improved a lot."
Mrs. Malik praised after tasting it.

Reeha grinned.
"Let me serve it to dad."

When Reeha was serving for Mr. Malik, Mrs. Malik said,
"Haleem is Ayyan's favorite."

"Really? That's great. I will serve him in the evening after he comes from office."

"Isn't he gonna stay the night in the office?"

"Oh! I almost forgot."
Reeha said being disappointed. 
"It's ok. I'll store some for him. He can taste it tomorrow."

"Why give him a stale one when you can feed him the fresh one?"

Seeing Reeha looking at her confusedly, Mrs. Malik explained.

"Go to his office. Anyways I'm about to send the driver with his lunch box. You can take the haleem with the lunch box."

"Me? How can I? I mean how will it look if I visit his office?"
Reeha said hesitantly.

"Why can't you go? You are his wife, you can bring him food in the office. It's completely normal."


"No ifs and buts. Give it to me."

Taking the bowl from Reeha, Mrs. Malik ordered,
"Go get ready. You are going to give him the lunch box."

And then almost pushed her upstairs.


Reeha felt weird seeing the huge building. She can't help but think of the last time she came. Shaking her thoughts away, she entered.

"You! You came again!"
It was the same guard whom she met last time.

"Salam, uncle! How are you?"

"Because of you, I almost got demoted from the head of the guards. And now you came again. Are you trying to take my job this time?"
The guard said, almost glaring at her.

Seems like last time after her little drama in the office, the poor guard was scolded by the authority for allowing her to enter the office.

"About last time I'm sorry."
Sheepishly Reeha apologized.
"But this time I am not lying. See I even brought lunch for Ayyan."

"You can't fool me twice with that innocent face of yours. I'm not going to make the same mistake again."
The guard replied firmly.

"But I'm his wi-"


Farhaan who came to the reception saw Reeha at the entrance and then went towards her.

"Assalamualikum, Farhaan bhai!"

"Waalaikumussalam, bhabi! You here?"

"Brought lunch for Ayyan."
Reeha said, raising the box a little.

"Oh. Go on. Ayyan must be in his cabin."

"I was about to go but-"

Reeha looked at the guard who was looking at their exchange of greetings in a confused manner.

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