Chapter 1: A Godly Encounter

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{This chapter takes place in late January of 2008.

Takes place between The Titan's Curse and the Battle of the Labyrinth

Episodes that have happened since last chapter:

The rest of Season 1; Memory Blank; Doctor's Disorders; Pirate Radio; Reign Storm; Micro-Management.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

      Danny emptied the Fenton Thermos into the Ghost Portal for the third time that night. In the space of that evening, the Box Ghost had escaped three times, Skulker twice, and who knows how many of the smaller ghosts. He rubbed his eyes wearily, hoping to at least get some sleep before school tomorrow. As he turned to fly back to his room, a deep voice called his name: "Daniel."

      "What?" Danny turned to face the portal, hoping that he was hearing things. Unfortunately, he was not.

      What appeared to be a tall angel with ebony-tinted wings and a black floor-length robe stood on the other side of the open portal. The 'angel' had dark skin, long dark hair, and his feathers shimmered with hues of blue, black, and purple. His golden eyes regarded Danny with intrigue. Danny rubbed his own eyes to make sure he was not hallucinating, or dreaming.

      "You are very much awake and lucid, Daniel." The 'angel' stepped through the portal and into the lab, where he towered over the counters and machinery. As he entered the room, a strange feeling washed over Danny; there was a faint tugging at his ghost core, like a fish hook trying to drag him towards the unknown being. Danny shook his head, fighting to clear the feeling.

      "Who are you? What do you want?" Ecto-energy started building up in Danny's hands as he fell into a defensive stance.

      The angel raised his hand in a placating manner, and the pulling feeling somewhat diminished. "I mean you no harm, Daniel. I am Thanatos."

      "Wait a minute. Like, the purple dude?" Danny lowered his hands slightly, perplexed.

      "No," Thanatos deadpanned. "I am the Greek god of death."

      "Wow, great, that's comforting." Danny scowled and brought his fists back up, the ecto-energy around them glowing a bright toxic green. "Are you here to finish what the portal started?"

      "No, Daniel, I am not."

      Now Danny was confused. He lowered his hands. "Then... why are you here?"

      "I need your help, Daniel. The spirits of the dead are growing restless and I can no longer handle them all on my own."

      Danny was even more confused now. "Why do you need my help? What can I do? And aren't you supposed to be a myth, like the other Greek legends?"

      Thanatos patiently explained that the Greek myths were very much real; Danny's jaw fell open at the revelation. Danny asked how it was possible for the Greek myths to still be around and not be seen. Thanatos explained that, through use of a special magic called the Mist, the monsters and many other beings were hidden from most mortal eyes. He told Danny about half-bloods, children with a Greek deity for a parent. Thanatos mentioned a place called Camp Half-Blood, a refuge for those same children to learn how to survive and fight the monsters that hunted them because of their godly genes.

      "So how do I fit into all of this?" Danny asked, still trying to process everything. "How am I supposed to help?"

      "You have fought the spirits of what you call the Ghost Zone for many months. I have come to ask for your help in dealing with the ones that have escaped from that realm."

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