Chapter 34: Kindred Spirits Part 3

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We are truly sorry for the lack of updates on this fic, life has been rough (still is) and we lost motivation there for a bit. Sorry about that!!! Hopefully IRL things will calm down a bit, but it's unlikely. BUT we are still going to do our best to update at least once a month (even though we didn't manage to last month... or the month before 😬).

To everyone who made it this far, thank you for sticking with us, y'all are the best! 😭

ALSO: We have not read A Glitch in Time yet. This fic is not compliant with AGIT. Vlad is going to be a horrible person in this fic, with no redeeming qualities. Sooo... sorry if that's what you're looking for, but we started writing this long before AGIT was released (over two years ago now, actually 😬), and we can't rework Vlad's character to fit it now. :(

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.


Danny POV:

     As Danny returned to consciousness, he groaned miserably. His head felt like a little elf was taking a sledgehammer to his skull. What had happened? The last thing he remembered was...


     She... she had literally shot him in the back! Why that little... Danny blinked, hissing as pain shot through his eyes. When he got his hands on her—

     But then he froze. Where... was he?

     Immediately, he could see that he was trapped in the same black and green containment cube that Vlad had imprisoned him in the first time they met, in what he assumed was one of Vlad's many secret labs (how many secret labs could one billionaire have?). To Danny's right sat a large computer terminal, and on its screen were pictures and videos of him; fighting, flying, morphing... it looked somewhat like a video game character info screen. There were even simulated strands of his DNA.


     The next thing that Danny noticed was the fact that there were lit candles scattered all over the room. They smelled like stinky cheese and rotten eggs, and they made Danny's eyes water. What was that all about? Had Vlad decided to do a bit of redecorating? Spice up his lab a little bit? Because it wasn't working.

     There was movement in the corner of his vision, and Danny craned his neck to see as Vlad emerged from the shadows, with a pleased grin on his face; he looked every bit like the cat that caught the canary.

     "You've been spying on me?" Danny said immediately, disgusted. "Y'know, am I even really surprised? Of course a fruitloop like you would keep files on me."

     Vlad's smile fell instantly, replaced by a look of indignant rage. "I am not! A! FRUIT! LOOP!" He snapped.

     "Could've fooled me," Danny retorted with a smirk. "What with this whole villainous lair setup you've got going on."

     Vlad growled, but then his anger seemed to fade as he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed tiredly. "I am not a villain, either. All I am, Daniel, is a man... that wants to be loved."

     Vlad pressed a button on the wall beside him, and there was the sound of machinery moving behind him. He stepped to the side, revealing a tube-shaped containment pod, inside of which was...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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