Chapter 3: Death's Apprentice

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{Edit: We changed the ceremony thing a bit so that it made more sense.

This takes place right after the previous chapter.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

      Nico shrugged awkwardly in response to Danny's question. "It's... a long story." His dark brown eyes seemed to bore into Danny's bright green ones. "Now, how about you answer my question?"

      Danny glanced over at Thanatos. He had risen and was now watching the interaction with a once again unreadable expression. Danny turned back to Nico. "I mean... it's also a long story. Uhh, Thanatos, here," Danny faltered, unsure if it was rude of him to not add Lord in front of the god's name. However, Thanatos took over speaking before Danny could mess up more.

      "I have brought Daniel here to meet your father," he explained. "I plan to take him on as my apprentice."

      Danny stared at the god in surprise; Nico had a similar look on his own face. Wait, apprentice?! What does that mean? Will I need to leave Amity Park? What about the Ghost Zone? Danny's thoughts were running wild. Danny's mouth must have fallen open on its own because Thanatos told him to close it. He did.

      "Come, Lord Hades is expecting us," Thanatos bowed to Nico. "It was good seeing you, Master Nico." He started walking towards the palace entrance.

      "We'll catch up later, okay, Nico?" Danny said.

      "Yeah, whatever." Nico turned back to the fountain.

      Danny hurried after Thanatos, who was waiting for him at the entrance. They walked into a large entry hall with glittering obsidian walls and a polished bronze floor.

      "You have met Master Nico before." It was not a question.

      Danny nodded, looking at the glittering black stone and statues and everything else, except Thanatos. "Yeah, I met him and his sister in November. What did you mean, back there? You plan to make me your apprentice?" Danny asked.

      "Exactly what I said." Thanatos answered.

      "And what does that mean? Being your apprentice? Will it help me with the whole 'King of the Ghost Zone' thing?" Danny hoped Thanatos was not like Vlad; Vlad had been trying to get Danny to be his apprentice ever since they met at the college reunion in October, but he wasn't nearly as nice as the god of death had been so far.

      "It means that I will teach you to do what I do, if you wish. And yes, I believe that being my apprentice will help teach you what you may need to rule the Ghost Zone."

      "What do you do? Besides reaping the souls of the dead." Danny was curious. Reaping the souls of the dead would be cool, but what would that mean for the Ghost Zone ghosts?

      "I make sure the dead stay where they belong in the Underworld, I keep the monsters of Tartarus at bay, and I protect the Doors of Me." Thanatos explained.

      Danny chuckled. "The Doors of what?"

      "You would know them as the Doors of Death, if you studied Greek mythology." Thanatos stopped in front of an ornate set of doors. "Now, you are about to meet the Lord of the Underworld." Thanatos gestured at the doors in front of them; they had more pictures like those on the bronze gates out front. "Please, remember your manners, Daniel." Thanatos warned before opening the doors.

      The throne room was massive. There were skeletons wearing different military outfits from different time periods lining the walls. The throne itself seemed to be made of human skulls, making the god on the throne—Danny assumed that it was Hades—seem even more threatening. An overwhelming aura of power and death radiated from the god, and Danny felt the strong urge to hide under a rock and stay there for eternity, but he followed Thanatos as he approached the throne. The closer Danny got to Hades, the more static seemed to fill his mind, making it hard to focus on anything except the god on the throne. It was like he was a puppet, being dragged towards the throne by some unknown power.

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