Chapter 5: Ad Astra

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{This takes place right after the previous chapter, so no episodes have happened since then.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

      "So, how do the Doors of 'You' work, anyway?" Danny asked as the elevator moved upwards.

      "The Doors are my personal gateway in and out of the Underworld. Both sides of the Doors move after each use, making it near impossible for anyone to find them," Thanatos explained. "Only I know where both sides of the Doors are located at any time."

      "Will I be able to find the Doors, since I'm your apprentice now?" Danny looked at his mark again. It had faded and was no longer showing through his glove.

      "In time," Thanatos replied.

      "Have you ever had an apprentice before me?" Danny was curious.

      Thanatos took a moment to answer. "One." His voice was barely audible.

      Danny opened his mouth, but Thanatos cut him off gently before he could ask more. "I do not wish to speak of it, Daniel."

      Danny got the sense that he had upset Thanatos. Why do I keep messing up today? Danny asked himself. Today had just been one screw-up after another. He tried awkwardly to change the subject. "So, why are we in an elevator, anyway? Isn't this kinda... modern for Ancient Greek stuff?"

      "Olympus and its associations follow Western civilization. The interior of the Doors changes whenever the center of Western Civilization changes in order to fit the local culture, and even then it changes with the times," Thanatos explained. "It wasn't even an elevator until the 1880s."

      Danny nodded. He and Thanatos stood quietly as the elevator moved. After a couple of minutes, Danny cleared his throat. "Maybe you should add some elevator music, you know? Just to, like, lighten the mood."

      A hint of a smile graced Thanatos' lips. "I will think about it."

      The Doors opened with a ding. Outside the Doors was a forest that Danny recognized. He flew out of the elevator and up above the trees, and saw a large lake in the distance. "Hey, we're near Lake Eerie. Cool!"

      They flew away from the lake, towards Amity Park. Danny flew in loops and zig-zags, enjoying the open air, while Thanatos flew in a straight line. There were no clouds and a slight breeze; a perfect night for stargazing, or a relaxing flight. Danny watched as Thanatos flapped his wings.

      "Why do you flap your wings to fly? Do you actually need them? Can't you fly using the Mist thing?" Danny asked, flying in a lounged back position.

      "I do not think you know how the Mist works, Daniel." Thanatos stated.

      "Correct-a-mundo, my good sir." Danny replied, flying in lazy circles.

      Thanatos shook his head in amusement. "It is good that we start your training tomorrow."

      Danny faltered. "Wait, what? So soon?"

      Thanatos nodded. "As I said in the throne room, many ancient beings have been stirring as of late, which is making my job more difficult. Your training needs to begin soon so that you may be able to defend yourself and aid me in the coming war."

      Danny had not considered that since he was now the official apprentice of Thanatos, he would have to take part in something as serious or big as a war. Would he have to fight other cat-snake chimeras again, as well as other Greek monsters? Would he help Thanatos collect the souls of the dead? Or would he have to do something else to help out?

      Thanatos seemed to read Danny's mind. "There is no need to worry about the future, Daniel."

      "But..." Danny began.

      Thanatos raised a hand. "Your time to help is not yet, young one. Please do not stress about what your role will be."

      Well, how do I not stress over a war that I will be in? Danny thought. In the distance, he could see the Ops Center on top of FentonWorks.

      "So what time will training start tomorrow?" Danny asked when they landed on the Ops Center.

      "I will contact you sometime after sundown." Thanatos answered. "It will give you some time to explain things to your friends."

      "Wait, you know about Sam and Tucker?" Danny worried that he had gotten his friends in trouble.

      "I have kept an eye on you since your accident, Daniel." Thanatos replied.

      "How'd you know about that? Do you have a list of people that are supposed to die or something?" Danny asked, somewhat jokingly.

      "Yes, actually, I do have a list. And I had to check it twice because of you." Thanatos winked. "Now, I believe you still need to clean Cerberus' slobber off."

      Danny ran a hand through his hair, feeling the stiffness caused by the dried slobber. He sighed and bid Thanatos good night. Before Thanatos left, he warned Danny not to speak the names of any of the gods and monsters, as that might attract their attention. After watching Thanatos fly away, Danny phased down into his bedroom.

His desk light was still on and his bed was the way he had left it. He turned the light off as he transformed back into his human form. His alarm clock display read 7:30 P.M.; three hours had passed since he left with Thanatos to visit the Underworld.

      Danny grabbed a set of clean clothes from his dresser. He opened his door to go down the hall to the bathroom and take a shower, but he ran into Jazz right outside his room.

      "Danny, you're here!" Jazz said, surprised.

      "Yeah, of course I'm here. Where else would I be?" Danny asked, holding the door open with his right hand.

      "It's just that you've been so quiet that I thought you had left." Jazz's gaze shifted to his arm and her eyes narrowed. "What is that?!"

      "What?" Danny followed her gaze. To his right arm. The Greek inscription was black against his pale skin. Crap. "This... is not what it looks like, Jazz."

      "Really? Because it looks like you went out and got a tattoo in the past three hours." Jazz's hands were on her hips, and a disapproving frown was on her lips.

      "It's not a tattoo, Jazz! It's just... a permanent marker drawing that I drew 'cuz... I was... bored." Danny defended lamely, hoping that she would buy it.

      Jazz looked into his eyes, trying to stare him down. Danny stood his ground and, after a moment, Jazz backed off, announing that she was going to bed.

      Danny sighed, relieved that he had redirected her attention for now. As he walked to the bathroom, Danny wondered what he could do to hide his mark from prying eyes. I could wear long sleeves, but what would I do in summer? How would I hide it then? Danny asked himself.

      In the bathroom, Danny saw an elastic bandage in the first aid kit above the toilet. I could wrap my arm with one of those. He decided, and then stepped into the shower to wash off the dried dog saliva.

{OwO? A previous apprentice? How intriguing...

 Danny can be smart... sometimes.}

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