Chapter 29: The Butterfly Effect

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Happy (late) Halloween! Sorry for the wait, we've been super busy. But on the bright side, we have the chapter after this one already written, so it just needs some editing and then we'll be able to post again pretty soon.

Sorry, this isn't our best chapter. We've reworked it quite a few times, and we've finally just decided that it's good enough and moved on. Also, this chapter's a bit boring, maybe? Lots of talking. But next chapter some more exciting stuff happens, so don't worry.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.


     As Danny told Thanatos of his mythical-sounding journey into an apocalyptic future, the god was quiet and attentive, his focus entirely on the young halfa. Danny had doubts that the god would even believe him—after all, who would? The whole thing sounded insane. Like a dream. And a bad one at that.

     He told Thanatos of what had happened after he ended their Iris Message; of meeting Skulktech, and ending up with Sam and Tucker in the lair of a strange ghost known as Clockwork. He told him about the visions he saw in Clockwork's computer monitors—of a future Danny, an evil one, who had...

     "Daniel," Thanatos interrupted quietly. "Breathe."

     Danny hadn't even noticed that he had begun to hyperventilate. He could hardly hear it over the sound of his own thoughts, swarming and buzzing around inside his head. I can't tell him what I—what Dan did. That I—h-he k-killed people—


    Danny flinched when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Thanatos pulled his hand back immediately, and the concerned look on his face only grew.

     "S-sorry," Danny stuttered. "It's just... I..." He sighed heavily as he dropped his head into his hands; he could feel tears pricking at his eyes. "Gosh..."

    "It's alright," Thanatos said assuringly. "You can tell me."

     Danny looked up at Thanatos warily. The god had no ill will in his expression or tone, but... Danny was sure that he'd react negatively once Danny told him the truth.

     "I..." Danny's throat felt dry. "My future self... killed people."

     To Danny's surprise, Thanatos didn't react like he had feared. In fact, he didn't react much at all. The god's eyes widened a fraction—in shock, perhaps—but other than that his expression was carefully neutral. Danny waited nervously for Thanatos to respond, but the god just gestured silently for him to continue.

     So, after taking another breath, Danny did. He told Thanatos about how Clockwork had tried to kill him, and how Danny had escaped with his friends by leaping through a portal into a desolate world, dated only ten years in the future. There, they had met one of Danny's old schoolmates, and witnessed her demise at the hands of... of Danny. The future Danny, anyway.

     Thanatos looked... thoughtful. Puzzled. "What caused that future to be in such a state?"

     "Well, it's... kind of a long story." Danny rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at his feet. "I don't really get it, but like... There was this... lady..." Danny remembered that both Thanatos and Clockwork had warned him against saying gods' true names. "She could like, control plants and stuff. And she and, uhh... Dan were working together."

     "Dan?" Thanatos questioned.

     "My evil, future, y'know..." Danny trailed off.

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