Chapter 19: An Unpleasant Visitor

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{Sorry for posting a little late, it was Amalgamorph's(LombaxMechanic23's) birthday! You can view what I (Anxiescape) made for her here:

This chapter takes place a few days after the previous one.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters}

      Starting the next day, Danny was thrown into the hustle and bustle of life at Camp Half-Blood. He was glad for the distraction from the events of his first full day at camp. He hadn't contacted Thanatos since his solo trip to the Underworld; Danny didn't want to cause the god any more trouble than he already had. So, he was grateful that his schedule kept him busy.

      Camp quickly began to feel like a second home. He even got used to the strange feeling in the attic. It reminded him of the Ghost Zone, in an especially eerie sort of way. He had even gone in once, just to see what was up there.

      As soon as Danny crossed the threshold, he immediately got the feeling that he was not welcome. Usually, Danny didn't listen to such promptings, but he listened to this one. There was something about the attic that set his core on edge.

      Danny left before anything could happen.

      As the week progressed, Danny was thrown into a fun new routine. There were all sorts of classes offered at the camp, and Danny got to try lots of different things. Everyday in the mornings at about 9 AM, either Annabeth or Chiron taught him Ancient Greek, and half an hour before lunch they taught him Greek Mythology.

      One day, while Annabeth was teaching him Greek Mythology, a thought crossed Danny's mind. "Hey, Annabeth, I've got a question."

      She looked at him, curious. "Yeah?"

      "What does it mean to promise something on the River Styx?" He remembered back when he had first met Thanatos, the god had made a promise to him on the River Styx. Danny hadn't really thought anything of it at the time, but now...

      Annabeth's eyes widened. "You shouldn't promise anything on the River Styx, Danny." She said gravely. "Not unless it's something that is very important to you. As in, willing-to-risk-your-life-for-it important."

      Danny felt a hint of dread begin to grow in his stomach. "... why's that?"

      "A promise made on the River Styx is binding." Annabeth explained. "If it's broken, there are serious repercussions for all parties involved."

      Danny gulped nervously. "Like... what? Death?"

      "Worse than death." Annabeth stressed.

      Danny nodded and looked down at his hands. Thanatos had made a promise to Danny on the River Styx. Why would he do that? Was he really willing to face punishment if it was broken? Would Danny face consequences as well?

      Danny decided not to dwell on it, at least for the time being.

      On Monday, after his Ancient Greek lessons, Danny worked with Aurora on fighting with a sword and other bladed weapons. Danny quickly learned that he was not meant to wield a sword, so they mainly worked with daggers. After his weapons lesson came his private combat lesson with Chiron, since he couldn't take pegasus-riding lessons (on the bright side, Danny didn't have to clean the stables.)

      "Where's Mr. D?" Danny asked as he and Chiron entered the arena.

      "Mr. D has been called to Olympus on official business." Chiron explained. "He will be gone for the foreseeable future."

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