chapter 3 ~ cat got your tongue?

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"Burgers comin' through!" Steve called as him and Ian came walking into the living room. Fiona was obsessed with some crab catching show, so that's what she was forcing us to watch. "Only ketchup?" He asked as Debbie and I raised our hands. I wasn't big on extra stuff on my burgers....sue me. 

"Lip, napkins" I asked, reaching my hand out. I kept my eyes locked on my brother not daring to look at the girl next to him. He had invited Karen over and I of course didn't have a say in the matter.

"Whoa! You okay, Frank?" Steve asked as a bloody Frank came barging through the door.

"Is that my flannel?" I asked, stomping over to him. If there was one thing I hated, it was when Frank thought the could steal our clothes. How he could even fit into it beats me, I was like half his size.

He got up in my face, my body trembling with fear. Before I could say anything else, something hard came slamming into my nose.

"The guy at the bar said to pass it on" He laughed, my body colliding with the coffee table. My hand flew up to my face, blood covering the front of my shirt. I could hear Steve going off on him as Ian and Fiona came running to my side.

"I'm fine" I scoffed, pushing past them and into the kitchen. It wasn't the first time he had hit me so I knew better than to cry about it. Fi said it was because I looked the most like Monica, our mom, but I figured he just hated my guts.

V helped me hold a cloth up to my nose as I tried my best to not let the tears fall. If there was one thing i'd never do, it was let Frank see me cry.

"It's just a bloody nose" He went on, Ian's hand squeezing tightly over mine. It was a simple action but it was one my brother knew would calm me down.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up" Ian sighed as he helped me up to our room. I couldn't tell if I was more mad at Frank or the fact that he had caused me to ruin another one of my shirts. If you weren't aware, blood was a pain to wash out.

"You should've hit him back"  Lip laughed, tossing me a clean top. I motioned for them to turn around so I could change in peace.

"If I ever do, i'll kill him" I sighed, throwing the clothes down the laundry shoot. I knew the blood would never come out but hey, it was worth a shot.

Standing in front of the bathroom sink, I tried my best to wash the blood of my face. I winced in pain when the cloth came in contact with my nose, that was definitely going to bruise.

"Cassie Gallagher in jail....I could see it" Lip laughed as I took the joint from him. I wasn't a big smoker but today was one of those nights where I needed it.

I took a huff from the roll before passing it over to Ian. I coughed when the smoke came out, completely forgetting how awful weed tasted.

"I'm going to bed asshats" I laughed before climbing into my bed. I rolled my eyes at their remarks as they soon followed my actions. 

Sure it was still early but tomorrow was Friday and we all know what happens on Fridays...


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