chapter 67 ~ god fucking frank

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I pulled myself closer to Mickey, the smell of breakfast filling up the house. God if Ian was serious about Trevor, I was gonna make him my owl personal chef.

"We should get up" I yawed, placing a kiss on his neck. He let out a groan, rolling over so now he was on top of me.

"Or we could sleep a little longer"

He gently kissed my lips as I tried not to feel like he was crushing the fuck out of me. 130 something pounds yet he felt like an entire walrus.

"Come on, I'm hungry....and I want to eat before Moni wakes up" I tiredly pushed him off me, the cold air re-hitting my body. I pulled on a pair of pants, rolling my eyes as he fell back to sleep.

Guess a few more minutes without them wouldn't cause any harm....

"Goodmorning my twin and his....Trevor" I smiled nervously, gratefully taking the plate of eggs from him. Listen my brother needed to get some cooking tips from him because wow....did he know how to cook.

"He told me about your chaotic family but- this place is quiet" I eyed him curiously, slowly sipping on my coffee. Yeah if only he knew the reason this place felt like it was empty.

"Yeah trust me it's weird....especially with Carl being gone"

I hated to admit it but I really missed my little brother. I mean how fucking hard was it to text one of us back?

I placed my plate down at the sound of someone jumping down the stairs. Guess quiet time was over...

"Looking sharp bud" I smiled, handing Liam his bag. Apparently his Elemtrary school closed down so Frank got him enrolled in a private school, I don't even want to know how that bastard pulled that off.

"Hey hey, smells god in here" Frank cheered as I tried to close the back door on him. "Aww come on, it's cold out here"

"No get the fuck out!"

God didn't he know when to take a fucking hint? I mean he was seriously fucking delusional if he thought we were going to let him back in...especially after calling my daughter a mistake.

"I got Liam into private school, that doesn't buy me breakfast!"

"Do you mind if I handle this one?" I looked over at Trevor because by all means, be my guest. "You were stealing from homeless people Frank, you were pretending to be their guardian and their father...and then you turned them into slave labor"

Holy shit he did all that? Where the fuck had I been?

"Let go of the door Frank before I beat your ass again!" I dug my shoulder into the wood, kicking his foot out of our kitchen.

"I'm your father and i'm not going to let go of the door until you let go of the door"

"Ian get my pepper spray"

Listen I was sick of Frank walking into our lives like we were up for grabs. We had all been doing fine without him and i'm pretty sure the only one who actually liked him was Liam.

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